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STEAM should be linked to real life

...  Although we should not expect quick wins, with billions of public funds being invested, the effectiveness of STEAM is undoubtedly attracting attention. If we look at the recent candidature in advance ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-08

North Korea could be a different country

...  the northwestern city of Sinuiju, across the Yalu River from Dandong in Liaoning province. Jong-il had frequently visited China and seen the success of its SEZs, and how Beijing had combined rapid ec ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-05

China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs–will it work?

Last week China rolled out the red carpet for dozens of ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月04日


... 量,放在他家門口,「We are not judged by our intentions but our a ...全文


Let trees speak for themselves

... h as manpower and equipment among the departments. According to the research conducted by the Legislative Council Secretariat, the manpower of the above eight core departments varies considerably – th ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-02

身體力行走進社區 以醫療專業回饋社會

... 近50萬元,支持其「We Are Here──多專業學童情緒健康計劃」,資助38名受情緒困擾、曾經歷創傷及需適 ...全文


China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs – will it work?

This week China rolled out the red carpet for dozens of Western chief executives and insisted that its reform and open-door policies would continue and they had an important role in its future. On Wed ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-28

Does Hong Kong have the right not to enact article 23 laws?

... nment” as well as other offences. But the law that just came into effect contains no provisions against these two crimes. Why? In its consultation document, the government referred to the mainland dra ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-27


... he Summer We Crossed Europe in the Rain︰Lyrics for Stac ...全文


Some reflections on teaching

... students, we – as teachers – are thereby equipped with the resilience and versatility to take on a much wider range of challenges, come what may. It’s life skills that teaching ‘teaches’ us – as oppos ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23

To love one’s country candidly and sincerely

... stills between the two peoples, as well as a heightened sense of accountability, motivation (through top-down-constructed and bottom-up-devised narratives of solidarity), and, indeed, more customisati ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23

World trembles at a Trump presidency

... and other Western countries, because Trump has threatened to pull the U.S. out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and end U.S. military aid for Ukraine. Lobbying by him alone has prevent ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-19


... 「我們繼續變革」黨(We Continue the Change)組成聯合政府,並協議由該第二大黨的登科夫出任 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年03月19日


美國小說家Anthony Doerr所寫的All the Light We Cannot See被改編成電視劇 ...全文



... 表一篇題為〈Are We in a Stock Market Bubble?〉的文章,以不同指標去量化市場泡沫 ...全文


Together We Tell Story

...  Together We Tell Story──不單止講好香港這故事。我們的卓亦謙憑《年少日記》贏最佳新導演 ...全文


Digitised address system means billions of biz opportunities

... ystems. However, the coding is not uniform across the enterprises, and the address database information is incomplete, resulting in difficulties in the division of labor, and thus hindering the develo ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-11

改善男女健康服務不平等 增加1兆美元生產經濟量

... ,我們就無法成功。(We cannot succeed when half of us are held ba ...全文



... ocess but we've built a great system, and then after ye ...全文



... estants):「We mustn't let the Protestants in.」她尷尬極了,反而英國 ...全文


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