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Taiwan restricts migration of Hong Kong people

...  he said. Wong Siu-ming, a secondary school teacher, plans to move to Taiwan next February with his wife. “Fortunately, I work in a private school, so I do not need to take an oath of allegiance to th ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10


... 。 作者Jason Wong為Norwich Capital Ltd行政總裁、SPAC發起人 ...全文

今日信報理財投資SPAC SPONSOR之旅王幹文2022年10月10日

Putin won’t go nuclear, but wants the world to think he’ll

Putin is running out of options. More precisely, he is running out of moves he could turn to – short of mounting a full-blown war against Europe and the United States. One that he won’t win. One that ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

What if no one wins?

On great power politics – some say, the East shall prevail; others say, the West shall win out. The presumption underpinning the “X wins, Y loses” logic, is that the nature of hegemonic contests is in ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-06

What if no one wins?

On great power politics – some say, the East shall prev ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年10月06日

英財相跪低 鎊滙彈見1.1334
日圓又跌穿145 政府暗示再干預

... ristopher Wong相信日本可能再次干預滙市,但往績顯示,除非是央行聯手採取行動,否則單方面干預滙市只 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年10月04日

A few thoughts and tips on college admissions

It’s THAT time of the year again – university/college admissions are well under way, and for many, such as those opting for EA/ED or applying for Oxbridge, the upcoming month (or weeks, even) would be ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-28

A Spectacular Disaster

Britain is at the cusp of a spectacular disaster. By la ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年09月28日

A spectacular disaster

Britain is at the cusp of a spectacular disaster. By late July this year, the triple whammy of COVID-19, Brexit, and the war in Ukraine had precipitated an unprecedented inflation crisis in the countr ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-27

烹調藝術 西式懷石

... 總監Stanley Wong攜手合作,Stanley是一位中德混血兒,小時候已立志成為廚師,中學畢業後入讀德國 ...全文



... 。 作者Jason Wong為Norwich Capital Ltd行政總裁、SPAC發起人 ...全文

今日信報理財投資SPAC SPONSOR之旅王幹文2022年09月26日


澳洲外長黃英賢(Penny Wong)表示,儘管在貿易等方面存在分歧,但澳洲仍致力與中國建立穩定的關係。 黃英 ...全文


We’ve still got much to offer, and to love for our city

These days, reading commentary on Hong Kong is a tad like watching someone kicking when down. Y’know – it’s easy to hate on and dismiss Hong Kong, and it’s even easier to give into the scaremongering ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-23


... als交易商Tai Wong表示,日本央行干預滙市,牽動美滙反覆回順,連同聯儲局及其他國家央行的加息行動,拖累 ...全文


Russia’s escalation is unwise, yet remains Putin’s only gambit

On September 21, President Vladimir Putin declared that Russia would turn to partial mobilisation of the country’s population over what he had previously dubbed a ‘special military operation’ in Ukrai ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-22

Reconciliation with our youth

There are certainly better times to be a youth in Hong Kong. With skyrocketing property prices, a monolithic economy that is running out of ideas (though by no means growth), and increasingly stiff co ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-16

On the Queen

Queen Elizabeth II passed away after a long – and near-unprecedented-in-length tenure of over seven decades. I was in New York City when the news of her passing broke. The city was swept by a subdued, ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-16

On the Queen

Queen Elizabeth II passed away after a long – and near- ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年09月16日


... 點師中,以Tony Wong為代表人物,其他甜點師大多只是站在幕後。另一新星Rick Chan,是The Mi ...全文

今日信報副刊文化食家講場Walter Kei2022年09月13日


... 。 作者Jason Wong為Norwich Capital Ltd行政總裁、SPAC發起人 ...全文

今日信報理財投資SPAC SPONSOR之旅王幹文2022年09月13日

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