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美滙跌幅收窄 現貨金價轉升為跌

... 價。 交易商Tai Wong稱,鮑威爾其他言論屬於溫和,令到金價受壓。但他相信,新數據可能隨時改變有關市場情緒 ...全文


The dangers of adulation and sycophants

A specter is haunting global politics – the specter of adulation and sycophants. This is an era when Taylor Swift deepfakes proliferate, and where AI-generated misinformation on the war in Gaza has be ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29

How the Chinese economy can find its mojo back

The past four years have been incredibly difficult on the Chinese economy. What some (perhaps many, indeed) had expected to be a swift and substantial recovery post-COVID, has fizzled out, giving way ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29

am730傳第三季易手 施永青:處初步階段

... 其負責人Edwin Wong稱,已經與施永青達成口頭協議,將全面收購《am730》,形容作價是「開心價」,並擬 ...全文


Do we have a right to love?

In the movie M3GAN, eight-year-old Cady is bestowed a ‘gift’ by her roboticist aunt Gemma. The gift was a Generative Android named M3GAN, which was a humanoid robot doll powered by advanced AI, design ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-16

Winning over hearts requires subtlety, tact and shrewdness

In political sciences, there is often a temptation to separate theory from practice – discreetly. Whilst nominally we would insist that all theoretical models, frameworks, and paradigms ought to refle ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-15

Vision Deal併購啟示 加速港SPAC市場實踐

... 王幹文(Jason Wong)為Norwich Capital Ltd行政總裁、SPAC發起人 ...全文

今日信報理財投資SPAC SPONSOR之旅王幹文2024年01月15日

《奧本海默》掃5獎 成金球獎大贏家

... 女星黃艾莉(Ali Wong)憑Netflix劇集《齮齕人生》(BEEF),分別奪得最佳迷你劇集及電視電影男女 ...全文


預計美年中下調利率 港滯後兩季

... 兆宗(Wilson Wong)上任後首次接受專訪表示,仍然預期聯儲局今年中才開始減息,全年共減息3次,每次各0 ...全文


The perils of context collapse in diplomatic messaging

There’s a story I very much enjoyed telling some of my debating students – back when I was an active coach. Consider a close circle of friends, Bob, Mary, Sue, and Thornton. Through years of fraternis ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-27


... 王士明(Bryan Wong)接棒。 滙豐前高層王士明接棒 據悉,王士明早於8月底已經加盟東亞銀行擔任總經理, ...全文


美滙偏軟 紐約期金升近1%

... 約獨立交易商Tai Wong表示,市場已經把聯儲局3月減息納入債息考量,而明年全年減息幅度更達150基點。因此 ...全文


Why the Colorado ruling could well backfire

On December 19th, the Colorado Supreme Court voted by a 4-3 narrow majority to remove Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot. Pending Trump’s appeal to the US Supreme Court, this ruling would be pl ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-22

美滙偏軟 紐約現貨金收市升0.71%

... 升。 交易商Tai Wong稱,數據反映美國經濟略為放緩,但足以刺激市場對聯儲局明年3月減息的預測升溫,利好金 ...全文


Youth suicide: When every death becomes a mere statistic

It would be no understatement to say that our city is in the midst of a serious mental health crisis. Suicide numbers amongst the youth of this city have almost doubled in less than a decade, to a rec ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

If you gaze long enough into an abyss,it will gaze back into you

Recent events have caused me to return – time and time again – to the harrowing words of Nietzsche: “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if y ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-18

紐約現貨金曾跌穿2000美元 收市挫1.16%

... 彈。 交易商Tai Wong表示,就業數據觸發金價下滑,與周日的高位比較下挫150美元,市場靜待聯儲局下周議息 ...全文


The dangers of groupthink

Groupthink - at an age of echo chambers, hyper-technologisation (through the advent of social media and digital platforms), and intensifying geopolitical competition and rivalry - is fundamentally per ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

What is there to love about Hong Kong?

These days, it’s trendy to talk down Hong Kong. After all, who doesn’t enjoy trashing a city that has seen, in the span of four to five years, unprecedented political turmoil, a pandemic that has left ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-05

獲利回吐壓力增 紐約現貨金價曾倒跌2.5%

... 分析員Kelvin Wong預期,金價短線有技術回吐。 大華繼顯全球策略師Heng Koon How認為,金價 ...全文


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