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道指尾段收復逾250點失地 納指漲超過1.6%

... 美國經濟師Anna Wong預期,鮑威爾將發表更為平衡的談話,暗示緊縮周期的結束,同時強調有必要在更長時間內保 ...全文


靜待輝達業績 道指跌近200點

... 美國經濟師Anna Wong預期,鮑威爾將發表更為平衡的談話,暗示緊縮周期的結束,同時強調有必要在更長時間內保 ...全文



...  4. Wu Y, WONG KC, CHEUNG DY, et al. Tobacco Control Po ...全文


美日息差擴大 圓滙失守145
頹勢倘持續 滙豐指政府勢干預

... ristopher Wong指出,日本當局只會在滙率出現單邊走勢和急劇波動時採取干預行動,而非因為日圓純粹跌穿 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月15日

In defense of burnout culture

The 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) included - for the first time in history - burnout as an occupational phenomenon. ICD-11 defines burnout as “a syndrome conce ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-14

The youth are not monolith

In conversations with friends and colleagues I often hear the question, “What do the youth make of this?”, or “What, really, do the youth want?” As I have argued elsewhere in my assessment of events r ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11

The politics and philosophy of ‘Barbie’

I had the pleasure of watching ‘Barbie’ - by myself - earlier this week. Truth be told, I went in with relatively low expectations. I have a general aversion to movie hypes and hyped-up movies, and ha ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-09

The whale

  A lifeless blob, a landmass of shredded tissues held together by a briny coagulant, a wreck crawling with mealworms. A whale carcass was found earlier this week in Hong Kong’s eastern waters. Expert ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-08


... a Fan及Sam Wong 3位嘉賓,與住戶及愛狗之人進行交流,並講解犬隻訓練基礎概念,如日常與狗狗的溝通技 ...全文


Why are we so unhappy?

The contemporary individual is likely to lead a much longer life, with substantially greater material abundance, a wider range of places to which they can travel, a more stable and harmonious family l ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31


... 團銀行家Percy Wong在2016年設立,於今年初約有30名員工。據知情人士透露,該部門有些員工已調往不同 ...全文


The T-shaped model of learning

In thinking about how we learn best, I have come to the (plausibly premature) view that learning is best conducted through a ‘T’ paradigm - one that combines the vertical strip (delving deeply into a ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

Castelo Concepts清盤 9餐廳結業

... 序的Briscoe Wong Advisory Limited稱,Castelo Concepts受影響員工約 ...全文



...  註2 WU Y, WONG KC, CHEUNG DY, et al. Tobacco Control Po ...全文


Kundera on Kitsch, Kitsch on 2023

When Kundera penned The Unbearable Lightness of Being in the early 1980s, he was living in France whilst the ossified Soviet Union was crumbling under the weight of its successive generations of gento ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

With great power comes great responsibility-but why?

We’ve all heard the familiar saying by now, “With great power comes great responsibility”. What had originated, as far as I’m aware, in a Spiderman movie (a line quipped by Aunt May to Peter Parker), ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-20

美通脹降溫 紐約現貨金價升逾1.3%

...  獨立交易員Tai Wong認為,數據令到聯儲局7月之後加息的可能性急降,利好金價表現,技術上有望挑戰1960 ...全文


法式小餐館 滿載海洋鮮

... 廚王嘉麒(Chef Wong)在比利時長大,自小受到家族餐飲生意熏陶,對烹飪深感興趣,為訓練深厚廚藝,曾在歐洲 ...全文


旅發局邀名廚訪港 嘆美食省靚招牌

... 洲悉尼中菜廳Mr. Wong行政總廚的Dan Hong形容,香港獨特之處在於擁有最地道的中菜文化土壤,其他地方 ...全文


Do we possess the freedom to think?

Do we possess the freedom to think? There are really two questions embedded within this. The first, concerns the normative. Do we possess a reasonable claim, or liberty (both moralised concepts) to th ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-23

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