“She was a schoolteacher in Hong Kong and now works as a cashier in a supermarket in Britain. I think she and her husband would like to come back but it is a question of face. How would she explain he ...More
EJ Insight2025-02-23
A quarter of the 21st century has nearly passed. Looking back over the past 20 odd years, Hong Kong has experienced two epidemics, and has witnessed great ups and downs socially, politically and econo ...More
EJ Insight2025-02-11
在1月7日的記者會上,即將就任美國總統的特朗普再次提出吞併格陵蘭的意願,這已是在繼2019年在任時、2024年 ...全文
共同社報道,日本航天企業「SPACE ONE」(東京)當地今日上午從和歌山縣串本町的民用火箭發射場「Space ...全文
Seven years ago Yen Po-Wen (顏博文) was chief executive officer of United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), Taiwan’s second largest maker of semi-conductors, a global company headquartered in Hsinchu, ...More
EJ Insight2024-12-15
“He saved the 30 million people of northeast China. Disregarding his own safety, he handed over the evidence (to the Lytton Commission).” This is Wang Jianxue (王建學'), a professor at the Communist Part ...More
EJ Insight2024-12-08
In 1954, Mao Zedong established a corps of militia settlers in Xinjiang and ordered them, like the early Jewish settlers of Palestine, to till the land and secure possession of it. Even he could not h ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-10
According to a report by investment bank Goldman Sachs, there has been an upward trend of women in the workforce around the world over the past 25 years, especially in Japan and Germany. However, ther ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-02
共同社報道,日本航天企業SPACE ONE表示,旗下小型火箭KAIROS 2號機,將於12月在和歌山縣的日本首 ...全文
For eons, humanity has been fixated upon a very peculiar question: is there life beyond Earth? Is Outer Space inhabitable by a large human population? Could there be a planet out there in the universe ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-26
French President Emmanuel Macron rolled out the red car ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年05月17日
I have long grappled with a quandary to which I have – perhaps unsurprisingly – very little solid ground to fall back on in answering. Indeed, this is a quandary that is shared by many of my fellow ac ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-09
French President Emmanuel Macron rolled out the red carpet for visiting President Xi Jinping this week – but failed to change his views on the two issues most important to Europe – industrial over-cap ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-08
Across many campuses in the United States today are protests that claim to oppose what they construe to be Israel’s unjust, wanton even, actions over the Gaza Strip. Protesters have stormed and occupi ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-03
日本航天初創公司Space One昨首次發射獨自開發的小型火箭「Kairos」一號機,但火箭升空數秒後即告爆炸 ...全文
一年容易又預算。去年這個時候,我曾向財政司司長陳茂波表示,樓市辣招之下中產換樓壓力大,長遠居住面積要加大,中產 ...全文
It would be no understatement to say that our city is in the midst of a serious mental health crisis. Suicide numbers amongst the youth of this city have almost doubled in less than a decade, to a rec ...More
EJ Insight2023-12-19