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... (02007)太子女楊惠妍,則以405億元財富退居第3位。龍湖地產(00960)主席吳亞軍及玖龍紙業(0268 ...全文


The secrets behind Country Garden's stellar growth

... g Huiyan {楊惠妍} as executive vice chairwoman in 2012, four professional managers were appointed to the board over the past year to counterbalance the voting power of the Yang family members. To further ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-24

HKEJ Today: Highlights

... g Huiyan {楊惠妍} last Tuesday increased her stake in the company by purchasing 5.7 million shares for a combined HK$28 million. ECONOMY AND BUSINESS Consultative body formed to advise HK govt on trade r ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-08

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