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放慢開新店 全年多賺15%

... 其同店銷售和盈利。 Burberry併購憧憬落空 另一方面,周一有報道稱,有神秘投資者持有英國奢侈品牌Burb ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月10日


據報道,一名神秘投資者累計買入奢侈品牌Burberry接近5%股份,可能有收購意圖,消息刺激Burberry股 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年03月09日

紐約秋冬時裝周 Michael Kors火速上架

... 翌日已在香港上架。而Burberry早前也宣布今年9月時裝周開始的新安排,就是展出系列會於完騷後隨即在網上和門 ...全文


收租股撈底 高息估值低

... 艦店;至11月,英國Burberry則表示,位於太古廣場的主要分店將縮減一層舖面,太古廣場的業主正是太古地產( ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年01月21日

Prada歷滄桑 悔棄意投港

... 分之一,在主要對手如Burberry、LVMH、開雲集團(Kering)及愛瑪仕(Hermès)之中,普拉達表 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年12月02日

涉3個品牌 低至5折售

... 環旗艦店,而英國品牌Burberry位於太古廣場的旗艦店,面積將減少一半,至於LVMH旗下的MARC JACO ...全文


珠寶收入減少 租金佔比上升

... 舖總數目維持不變。 Burberry太古廣場減舖位 據彭博報道,國際品牌Burberry計劃縮減本港旗艦店,包 ...全文


Fine wines languishing in China warehouses as demand cools

...  LVMH and Burberry to global auto makers. "In 2010 everyone was screaming from the rooftops that China was the El Dorado for wine and you could become a millionaire by jumping into the business," said ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-02


... ,還是比較集中的,如Burberry和普拉達(Prada)(01913)。 這個差距不只是因為「綜合企業折讓」 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年10月27日

天才設計師從商遭看扁 Burberry總裁翻身不易

提起英倫時尚品牌,少不了Burberry的份兒,Burberry風褸和格子設計至今仍是經典。不過,名氣大不一定 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2015年10月24日


奢侈的重點在於維持表面風光, Burberry這方面可謂揮灑自如。2012年以來,分析師已調低截至2016年4 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年10月19日

股價急插8% 創兩年新低

英國奢侈品牌Burberry表示,因內地和香港市場業務疲弱,加上滙率問題,上半年收入遜於預期,要進行削支,包括 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年10月16日


... 着孩子,正在英國一家Burberry店門口大便,地上墊了一張紙。許多網民懷疑是中國大媽,也有人認為中國大媽不會 ...全文


China worries prompt sell-off of luxury goods makers

Fears of reduced spending by Chinese tourists and consumers amid the renmibi's depreciation have prompted global investors to dump shares of Western luxury goods makers. Burberry Group and Hugo Boss s ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-13

Gucci tangles with Hong Kong landlords

Retailers such as Burberry Group Plc, Kering SA and Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd. are pushing landlords to lower rents on existing properties as luxury brands scale back on declining traffic. Com ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-11

Luxury giants vow to close HK shops if landlords don't cut rents

Luxury giants, including Kering, LVMH and Burberry, have threatened to close their branches in Hong Kong if landlords refuse to lower their rents amid a slump in business, Apple Daily reported on Thur ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-30

Kate Moss misbehaves inflight and later gets a police escort

...  colorful Burberry model, but it wasn't at all nice. According to the Daily Mail, which spoke with another passenger on the plane, Moss also pulled a bottle of vodka from her luggage after a flight at ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

Why is Burberry doing better than its luxury peers?

... this, has Burberry achieved double-digit percentage growth in sales? Prada reported preliminary sales for the financial year to January 31 of 3.55 billion euros (US$3.84 billion), 1 percent less than ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-23

Fake goods found on Tmall and rival websites

... packs and Burberry scarves. A further seven batches were classed as substandard. Two batches of fake goods were found on Yhd.com, operated by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.  Single batches were found on Ebuy, ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-12

Chinese 'tuhao' find new games to play

... uch about Burberry or Valentino boutiques, they get their own personal tailors and get bespoke garments. By comparison, tuhao from the southern regions may tend to be more subtle than their peers in t ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-18

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