... s such as Deliveroo and Food Panda. It delivers food only to designated places around the city for customers to pick them up, rather than take the parcels directly to the people's doorsteps. While the ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-28
... 少外賣平台,其中包括Deliveroo及Food Panda等。至於Plum則以另一種模式經營,主要對象為打工 ...全文
... Uber Eats和Deliveroo等勁敵硬碰。況且,送餐業務利潤微薄,即使最樂觀的估計,Just Eat至 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年11月05日
Rumors spread recently that Uber was in talks to buy Deliveroo, the British online food delivery service. But in an interview with Business Insider, Deliveroo’s co-founder and CEO Will Shu had firmly ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-05
... 投資期。 就競爭對手Deliveroo設最低消費,林灝哲回應稱,網上叫外賣模式尚未完全成熟,不少食物種類並未加 ...全文
彭博周五引述消息人士報道,召車軟件商Uber已開始洽購以歐洲為基地的外賣服務平台Deliveroo,據報作價應 ...全文
Uber Technologies is in early talks to buy food-delivery company Deliveroo, Bloomberg reports, citing people familiar with the matter. London-based Deliveroo was valued at more than US$2 billion in a ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-21
... r洽購送餐服務軟件商Deliveroo。■ 法國、德國股市分別收漲1.07%、0.88%,英股升0.49%。■ ...全文
... at請來外賣服務公司Deliveroo香港總經理羅家聰(Brian), 分享如何以用戶數據,助地區小店殺出重圍 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月14日
... 金泛濫,英國外賣平台Deliveroo及德國購物網站Zalando等成功個案掀起早期融資熱潮。 根據歐洲投資基 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年07月06日
... 也失去胃口,競爭對手Deliveroo宣布計劃把英國合作餐廳數目增加一半,自設外賣車的合作餐廳也可通過新服務「 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年06月15日
外賣app公司Deliveroo昨天宣布,向公司所有全職員工贈予股權,成為股東,涉及1000萬英鎊(約1.06 ...全文
Deliveroo is providing free medical insurance to its food delivery drivers worldwide. The London-based online food delivery startup will offer free medical insurance to its 35,000 drivers in 12 count ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-08
If you are a Londoner, don't be surprised if you get to meet the boss of Deliveroo in person – as a delivery driver for food take-outs. Will Shu, co-founder and CEO of the British online food delivery ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-03
Deliveroo在全球擁有3萬名外賣員,當年首位外賣員正是創辦人Will,「我在街上見到騎電單車的人後,便直 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年05月02日
外賣平台Deliveroo是港人較為熟悉的英國創企之一,其共同創辦人兼行政總裁Will Shu接受本報專訪時透 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年05月02日
... 外賣員在等外賣、還有Deliveroo的外賣員……餐飲業正迎來翻天覆地變化,其他零售亦然,最簡單的網上下單,實 ...全文