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據外電報道,英國政府與騰訊(00700)近期宣布達成貿易協議,當中包括在牛津大學開設電競課程。 電子競技在全球 ...全文


Activision失良機 難敵對手「免費餐」

電子遊戲開發商Activision Blizzard之前公布年度業績報告,把「電影、電視、社交網絡,音樂及其他 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年05月07日

This new game could become Tencent's next cash cow

Six years ago, Tencent Holdings (00700.HK) made an investment in a struggling US-based game developer. Last year, that developer trial-launched a game which became a super hit, raising the prospect th ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-10


6年前,一隻企鵝散步到北卡羅萊納州沙漠,遇見一位落難的堡壘英雄,於是豪氣地掏出3.3億美元打救他。6年後今日, ...全文



虛擬實境(VR)技術一日千里,Epic Games近日在GDC 2018遊戲開發者大會示範了一套立體繪圖引擎U ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月27日

Alibaba invests US$120 million in mobile gaming startup Kabam

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is investing US$120 million in gaming startup Kabam Inc. in a partnership to publish and distribute free-to-play mobile games, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-01

Is Tencent ready to step up onto the global stage?

Founders of the red-hot photo and text messaging application Snapchat, which features a "burn after reading" function, recently turned down a US$3 billion acquisition offer from social media giant Fac ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-29

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