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Former Ping An executive tipped for Tencent bank, paper says

... sources.  Gu Min, former deputy general manager of Ping An Insurance Group, is tipped to head the new lender to be established in Qianhai, a special economic zone in Shenzhen. Gu, 40, worked for Ping ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-15

Xi orders deep probe on former military official Gu, report says

Gu Junshan, the first military figure to be charged with corruption since President Xi Jinping launched an anti-graft campaign, was found to be seriously tainted in cases involving massive amounts of ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-07

WEEKENDER: Leaders hard on graft, soft on economy

... ics chief Gu Junshan {谷俊山} was formally charged over a range of alleged crimes, including corruption, embezzlement and abuse of power. His former boss and ally, former Central Military Commission (CMC ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-04

Beijing seeks more community clinics, website says

... expenses, Gu Xin, a professor at Peking University School of Government, was quoted as saying. -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] TL/AC/RA   ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-02

China files charges against ex-general, WSJ says

... e against Gu Junshan. Gu is the first military figure to be charged with corruption since President Xi Jinping launched an anti-graft campaign soon after taking power in 2012, the report said. Gu was ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-01

Rural citizenization to cost 100,000 yuan each, Xinhua says

... y, led by Gu Shengzu, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and vice chairman of the Central Committee of China National Democratic Construction Association, was part of ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-03

Ex-PLA official profited from military land deals, Caixin says

... tenure of Gu Junshang, deputy head of the PLA General Logistics Department who held the rank of lieutenant general, the PLA started large-scale building and renovation of soldier accommodation. Source ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-16

China makes new offer on government procurement

... . China argued at the time that it was up to local governments to decide on their own. China’s preference for domestic products also has meant that few foreign companies are able to compete successful ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-15

Over 500,000 visas issued by South Korea consulate, Yonhap says

... ed. The figure represents a 36 percent increase from the whole of 2012 and is almost equal to the combined number of visas issued by all of its consulates this year, the report said, adding that it co ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-27

Cinda sees CAR rising to 23% after IPO, official says

... president Gu Jianguo {顧建國} said Wednesday. The figure was 17.8 percent at end-June, above the 12.5 percent regulatory threshold, Gu told reporters in Hong Kong. He said Cinda's balance sheet is health ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-27

Minmetals makes first-round bid for Peru mine, Reuters says

China Minmetals Corp. has submitted a first-round bid for Glencore-Xstrata's US$5.9 billion Las Bambas copper mine in Peru, Reuters reported Thursday, citing Gu Liangmin, managing director of the Chin ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-04

Game console makers won't have it easy in China

...  by the regulators. Yicai.com quoted Gu Haoyi, a senior analyst from Analysys International, as saying that graphic violence makes up quite a large proportion of video games nowadays, but China still ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-03

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