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Facebook's Libra abandoned by major financial companies

... including Lyft and Vodafone, consist mainly of venture capital, telecommunications, blockchain and technology companies, as well as nonprofit groups. “Visa has decided not to join the Libra Associatio ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-14


... 租車公司如Uber及Lyft已全面把工作分配自動化,不經人手。同時,員工重視的獎罰(如誰可分得受歡迎的訂單)也 ...全文



... 召車軟件商Uber和Lyft在今年的IPO上市交易均表現不佳,但曾任Uber董事的格利表示,對直接上市的信心來 ...全文


Uber sues New York City over cruising and licensing caps

...  Uber and Lyft gained popularity. Uber is challenging the city’s “cruising cap” rule that sets a 31 percent limit on how much time drivers of app-based vehicles may drive without passengers in Manhatt ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23

Airbnb plans stock market splash in 2020

...  Uber and Lyft Inc., but their shares have fared poorly after the launch, amid investor skepticism over their path to profitability. WeWork owner The We Company has also delayed its initial public off ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20

California's new labor bill and its impact on the gig economy

California's State Senate last week approved a landmark bill that would require gig-economy companies like Uber and Lyft to treat workers as employees instead of independent contractors. The legislati ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-18

司機須法定時薪 Uber無可避上身

... 生效,意味Uber、Lyft等召車軟件商將荷包重創,必須把數以萬計司機轉為僱員,為對方提供最低工資、有薪假期等 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月16日

California Senate passes bill to tighten 'gig' worker rule

The California State Senate voted on Tuesday to pass a bill that would make it much more difficult for gig economy companies like Uber and Lyft to classify workers as independent contractors rather th ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-12


美國加州參議院周二通過法案,要求透過網絡配對平台企業如Uber和Lyft等,必須視合作的司機或外賣員為員工,明 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月12日

科技股明日黃花 老土股又變時興

... 過美國兩大網約車平台Lyft及Uber,在上市後雙雙大幅潛水。 正在籌備招股的共享辦公室股WeWork,提出上 ...全文


US judge allows Facebook privacy class-action suit to proceed

... s Airbnb, Lyft and Netflix gain access. Chhabria faulted Facebook for treating privacy as an “all-or-nothing” proposition, where users would forfeit their privacy by sharing data even in a “limited” f ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-10

WeWork估值惹疑 商業模式難久持

... 家召車巨頭Uber和Lyft以及職場專用聊天軟件商Slack目前股價都處於較掛牌首日收市價低的水準。 市場擔心 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月10日

全球經濟難樂觀 亂世理財存定期

... 強勢不再。網約車平台Lyft招股價72美元,上周五收市得番44.5美元,對手優步(Uber)招股價45美元,周 ...全文


較上輪融資減半 或遲至2020上市

... ber,但Uber和Lyft兩大科技獨角獸今年上市後的表現都令投資者失望,導致市場對WeWork的期望也降溫。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月07日

WeWork considering reducing IPO valuation by more than half

...  Inc. and Lyft Inc., have fared poorly in subsequent trading, amid investor skepticism over their lack of a concrete plan to profitability. In May, Uber completed its IPO at a valuation of US$82.4 bil ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-06

WeWork母企估值傳大降逾半 最低為1560億

... 獸企業包括Uber與Lyft,上市估值明顯低於原先估值,對We Company的估值也有不利影響。 消息人士指 ...全文


Waymo urges US to remove barriers to self-driving cars

... hnology.” Lyft and Honda Motor told the agency in separate comments that it could recognize self-driving cars as a separate vehicle class to address the rules written assuming humans would be behind t ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-30

Airbnb records 31% booking value growth in first quarter: report

...  Inc. and Lyft Inc., but the companies have fared poorly after their launch, amid investor skepticism over their lack of a concrete plan to profitability. WeWork owner The We Company, which is prepari ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-19


... 況出現在另一競爭對手Lyft,招股價72元,上周二收市價為58.08元,較招股價跌近兩成。反映行業未能吸引更多 ...全文


樂天勇字當頭 進軍流動通訊

... 咎於美國召車程式公司Lyft,似乎並不公平。 樂天因為手上的Lyft股份價值大幅下挫而受到衝擊,惟需要為此負責 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年08月13日

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