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... 想優步(Uber)和Lyft是如何快速衝擊計程車行業。 比特幣以及相關加密貨幣正是旨在取代銀行等金融中介機構。 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2019年11月06日

Rakuten sees US$947 million loss from Lyft investment in Q3

Japan’s Rakuten Inc. said on Tuesday it expects to take a 103 billion yen (US$947 million) loss in the latest quarter on its investment in US ride-hailing firm Lyft Inc., Reuters reports. The e-retail ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

Uber shares plunge after loss widens on rising costs

... ompetitor Lyft Inc. last week. But Uber at the same time is spending heavily to expand into new business areas and is offering vast promotions to gain market share. Uber’s costs jumped about 33 percen ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

Lyft上季虧損擴大 市後股價下滑

召車軟件商Lyft公布,第三季錄得淨虧損4.635億美元,去年同期虧損為2.492億美元;每股經調整虧損為1. ...全文


GM上季業績勝預期 罷工損失296億

... 的罷工損失,以及重估Lyft與法國PSA投資而錄得的每股15美仙損失;收入為354.7億美元,優於預期的338 ...全文


A new approach to protecting gig workers

...  Uber and Lyft and the food-delivery firm DoorDash. Enforcement of AB5 means that these companies will have to start providing their drivers with benefits like minimum wages, overtime pay, sick leave, ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25


... r的最大市場,但面臨Lyft等競爭對手的強勁挑戰。今年第二季,Uber總營收31.66億美元,按年增長14%, ...全文


Lyft創辦人料2021年錄核心溢利 股價上揚

美國網約車平台Lyft共同創辦人Logan Green與John Zimmer表示,集團可望於2021年扭虧為 ...全文


Facebook's Libra announces board as support shrinks further

...  Inc. and Lyft Inc. Its only payments firm remaining is Netherlands-based PayU, which according to its website does not operate in the United States, Canada or large swaths of Africa and the Middle Ea ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

Libra發展再遇阻 G7促證安全保障

... 享乘車公司Uber及Lyft。另外,美國證監會(SEC)上周五取得緊急法院禁制令,煞停即時通訊加密平台Tele ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月15日

Facebook's Libra abandoned by major financial companies

... including Lyft and Vodafone, consist mainly of venture capital, telecommunications, blockchain and technology companies, as well as nonprofit groups. “Visa has decided not to join the Libra Associatio ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-14


... 租車公司如Uber及Lyft已全面把工作分配自動化,不經人手。同時,員工重視的獎罰(如誰可分得受歡迎的訂單)也 ...全文



... 召車軟件商Uber和Lyft在今年的IPO上市交易均表現不佳,但曾任Uber董事的格利表示,對直接上市的信心來 ...全文


Uber sues New York City over cruising and licensing caps

...  Uber and Lyft gained popularity. Uber is challenging the city’s “cruising cap” rule that sets a 31 percent limit on how much time drivers of app-based vehicles may drive without passengers in Manhatt ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23

Airbnb plans stock market splash in 2020

...  Uber and Lyft Inc., but their shares have fared poorly after the launch, amid investor skepticism over their path to profitability. WeWork owner The We Company has also delayed its initial public off ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20

California's new labor bill and its impact on the gig economy

California's State Senate last week approved a landmark bill that would require gig-economy companies like Uber and Lyft to treat workers as employees instead of independent contractors. The legislati ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-18

司機須法定時薪 Uber無可避上身

... 生效,意味Uber、Lyft等召車軟件商將荷包重創,必須把數以萬計司機轉為僱員,為對方提供最低工資、有薪假期等 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月16日

California Senate passes bill to tighten 'gig' worker rule

The California State Senate voted on Tuesday to pass a bill that would make it much more difficult for gig economy companies like Uber and Lyft to classify workers as independent contractors rather th ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-12


美國加州參議院周二通過法案,要求透過網絡配對平台企業如Uber和Lyft等,必須視合作的司機或外賣員為員工,明 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月12日

科技股明日黃花 老土股又變時興

... 過美國兩大網約車平台Lyft及Uber,在上市後雙雙大幅潛水。 正在籌備招股的共享辦公室股WeWork,提出上 ...全文


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