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今年料最多18億部 股價曾挫7%

... 位分別是華為、小米及OPPO。高通目前與華為就新授權合約存在爭議,華為曾支付部分費用,惟在達成新合約之前,華為 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年08月02日

全球次季智能手機出貨量跌 華為續勝蘋果

... 、小米3230萬部、OPPO 2950萬部。三星及華為按年分別增長5.5%及8.3%,OPPO亦微升0.3%, ...全文


Qualcomm outlook clouded by Huawei's smartphone gains in China

... 1810.HK), Oppo and Vivo, all of which are major Qualcomm customers. Huawei’s advance has spurred other phone makers to cancel 4G models planned for the rest of this year and instead focus on 5G models ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-01

Services, wearables buoy Apple results as iPhone sales drop

... s Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo, according to Canalys data. Cook said iPhone price adjustments, plus the Chinese government’s move to cut phone taxes, helped keep iPhone sales in China from eroding further. “ ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-31

內地手機次季出貨挫 華為逆升

... 要品牌佔有率皆下滑,Oppo及Vivo出貨量分別按年挫18%及19%;小米出貨量按年勁跌20%,至1150萬部 ...全文


China 5G battle set to begin in earnest

... on (CCC), Oppo, Vivo, ZTE and One Plus accounted for one handset each. Oppo announced on Wednesday that its Reno 5G phone has won the CCC nod, as well as two other licenses that are required for marke ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-18

Why Apple is boosting iPhone production in India

... uawei and Oppo and Korean rival Samsung lording over the high-growth sector in the South Asian nation. Now, Apple seems to have realized that it needs to do something to shore up its position in the k ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-16

谷增值服務收入 與內地手機廠攤牌

... 各大手機廠商談判,惟OPPO、Vivo等部分手機品牌似乎尚未接納新的分成比例。分析認為,提高分成有望推高騰訊增 ...全文



中國國家知識產權局公布,今年上半年內地發明專利授權量排名前三的企業依次為華為、中國石油化工和OPPO廣東移動通 ...全文


Is data surveillance a motive for China's sports sponsorship?

...  Guandong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corporation. More commonly known simply as Oppo, the Guangdong-headquartered telecoms company is among China’s leading producers of smartphones and other mobil ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-28

Despite the trade war, Chinese consumers still embrace iPhone

... es, Vivo, Oppo and Xiaomi. The report demonstrates that Apple still enjoys a very high appeal in the Chinese market, in spite of Beijing's escalating trade conflict with Washington. Based on JD's rank ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-06


... 產品。 另一手機廠商Oppo表示,已經做好5G商用的全面準備,有信心成為國內首批推出5G商用手機的廠商。目前正 ...全文


Will the Redmi K20 Pro help Xiaomi catch up with Huawei?

Xiaomi was China's largest smartphone maker at one point in time in the past, establishing its presence before other domestic brands such as Oppo, Vivo and Huawei entered the market. But the company f ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

Huawei holds on to No. 2 smartphone spot in 1Q: Gartner

... ne makers OPPO and Vivo. Huawei sold 58.4 million smartphone units in the quarter, with growth across all regions, the Gartner report showed. Total global sales of smartphones to end users fell 2.7 pe ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

Huawei shipments seen tumbling if US curbs stay

... ic rivals OPPO and Vivo, analysts said. In related news, Huawei's founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei told Bloomberg that retaliation by Beijing against Apple was unlikely and that he would oppose any such m ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-27

Will Xiaomi benefit from Huawei's woes?

... esents an opportunity for foreign rivals such as Samsung as well as Chinese brands such as Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo to grab some of the market share currently under Huawei's grip.   Analysts will particu ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

Is there life for Huawei after Google ban?

... enge – an opportunity, in fact – to build its own ecosystem for its smartphones and other products. Many Huawei customers can attest to the excellent performance of its smartphones, for instance, whic ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-21


... 升,遠遠拋離第二位的Oppo。Oppo市佔率為19.1%,出貨量達1680萬部,按年跌4%。 vivo及小米分 ...全文


【國際早班車】fb首季收入勝預期 違私隱或被罰390億

... 跌78.53%。 ■Oppo宣布與中國聯通(00762)共建「5G體驗中心」,並向聯通交付Oppo Reno ...全文



據內地傳媒報道,Oppo宣布與中國聯通(00762)共建「5G體驗中心」,並向聯通交付Oppo Reno 5G ...全文


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