費高極力鼓勵有玩股票的朋友仔,在空餘時間開個網誌,養成記錄炒賣心路歷程的習慣。有什麼好處?若你持有一隻股票,不 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年08月10日
Nick Johnson, who claims to be the first person to capture all 145 creatures now available in the Pokémon GO game, says he is not ready to put away his smartphone just yet and hopes for new features. ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-09
Pokémon GO吸引大批市民下載去玩,但長時間玩此類手機遊戲可增肌肉及關節勞損,致頸梗膊痛、手指關節痛或腳 ...全文
They're everywhere in Hong Kong, lurking in parks, bus stops, behind your back -- even painted onto streets. Pokémon GO is so pervasive it inspired graffiti artists to commit the monsters to the con ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-08
It's the "Ghost Month" in the Chinese lunar calendar, when the gates of hell are opened, allowing hungry and vicious ghosts to return to the world. People are supposed to stay at home at night to avoi ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-08
泰國昨天舉行新憲法公投,在已點算的94%選票當中,有61.4%選民表示支持,預料新憲法可獲通過。今次是泰國前年 ...全文
以手機遊戲Pokémon GO作為投資賣點,只能短炒不能長揸,這是朋友問到能否轉炒捉精靈的巴士股或那些「撒櫻花 ...全文
近日令全球不少城市陷入瘋狂的Pokémon GO已登陸香港,其威力之大就算連近年罕見衝着香港而來的颱風「妮妲」 ...全文
「本土行動」Facebook專頁發起在上水進行「Pokémon大戰奶粉」行動,昨午3時至6時的預定時間內,連接 ...全文
在美國,一班整天只是對着熒幕上網打機的宅男宅女,終於從家中房間跑到Time Square找Eevee,再到Br ...全文
近日在世界各地都出現了一種奇怪現象,不論男女老幼,都拿着手機在街上「左照右照」,有時更會成班人一同臉現喜色,大 ...全文
自從創科局在上年11月成立後,香港明顯地變成一個更加先進、更加高科技的地方。可能大家對創科局楊偉雄局長的第一印 ...全文
With Pokémon GO and other mobile games taking over much of our waking hours, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of users complain about tired eyes and stiff or sore neck. Dolly, a patient of m ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-05