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《華爾街日報》周五引述消息報道,美國通訊軟件公司Slack打算效法去年4月在紐約上市的Spotify,採取直接 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年01月12日

中美達成貿協「路途仍遠」 納指標指曾轉跌

... 珊發言人James Slack表示,英國政府計劃於下周二(15日)在下議院就其脫歐協議舉行表決,惟須待本周三獲 ...全文


中美分歧傳收窄 道指中段續漲

... 珊發言人James Slack表示,英國政府計劃於下周二(15日)在下議院就其脫歐協議舉行表決,惟須待本周三獲 ...全文



英國首相文翠珊發言人James Slack表示,英國政府計劃於下周二(15日)在下議院就其脫歐協議舉行表決,惟 ...全文


Slack要贏微軟 須揼本宣傳送優惠

美國通訊軟件公司Slack名氣響兼且估價高,要歸功於用戶大多是宣傳高手。雖然對手微軟企業群組聊天軟件Micro ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年12月12日

Uber入紙申IPO 爭Lyft頭啖湯

... b和企業通訊程式公司Slack,不過近期股市異常波動,可能令它們改變計劃。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月10日


... Pinterest和Slack均表示,可能正為即將到來的IPO做準備。《華爾街日報》早前引述消息人士稱, Ly ...全文


Facebook says profit up but user and sales growth slow

... ng up the slack from flattening usage of the main Facebook app. Facebook lost 1 million monthly users in Europe for the second straight quarter. It gained 1 million monthly users in the United States ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-31

Why soybeans are a proxy for the trade war

... ll of the slack caused by the sharp fall in exports to China. Managing price volatility Investors and hedgers can trade soybean futures on the Chicago Board of Trade to manage their exposure to price ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-20

電郵殺手Slack融資掂 應趁勢上市

「獨角獸」融資方式眾多,與其大鑼大鼓召開記者會,宣布集資大計,倒不如申請上市。美國通訊軟件公司Slack被視為 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年08月23日

UK’s reliance on the 'kindness of strangers'

... ilding as slack is absorbed. Yet, it is hard to see this in the data. Real income growth remains close to zero. And the pace of household spending has outpaced disposable income since the Brexit refer ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-22

Fed leaves rates unchanged, stays on course for September hike

...  how much slack is left in the market, also posted their largest annual gain since 2008 in the second quarter, the Labor Department said on Tuesday. US President Donald Trump, breaking with the White ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-02

Are emerging markets the canary in the financial coal mine?

... ra budget slack the new government seeks, even if there is no way eurozone officials can allow high-debt Italy simply to destroy the common currency. The most important reason for optimism, notwithsta ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

Blackstone chief praises Masayoshi Son's investment mettle

... ies Inc., Slack Technologies Inc., WeWork Cos., Didi Chuxing and NVIDIA. In 2017 the fund made 100 investments worth a combined US$36 billion, according to alternative assets data and intelligence pro ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-02


英國政府發言人James Slack表示,預期有關脫歐後過渡期的正式會談,將於本月底啟動,談判為期兩個月。 報 ...全文


HK stocks may take a pause amid China party congress

... et turned slack during China Communist Party congress sessions and remained stagnant for a while after the events. The market may stick to the usual 'plotline' now. But in case the market sees some ov ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-18

銀行大茶飯 睇錯也勁賺

... 水平,經濟學家口中的slack已消化得七七八八,意味具備工作意欲者不是已經就業便是求職較前容易,僱主今後要請人 ...全文


軟銀牽頭注巨資 Slack估值398億

方便企業員工之間內部聯絡的雲端溝通平台Slack於最近一輪集資中,獲軟銀(Softbank)為首的投資者注資2 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年09月19日

China halts import of N Korean coal, iron ore and seafood

... t Beijing slack over trade disputes if he felt the Chinese were being helpful in reining in Pyongyang. The measures announced by Beijing on Monday, however, don't go beyond the UN-approved curbs. Chin ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-15

US to probe alleged Chinese technology theft

... t Beijing slack over trade issues if he felt the Chinese were being helpful in reining in Pyongyang. The White House aides said the new trade probe wasn’t tied to the administration’s North Korea stra ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-14

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