... OASIS KAI TAK直接受惠屯馬線開通,昨日加推6伙,折實平均呎價25591元,並於周五連招標發售共20 ...全文
... hich will take effect from Saturday, covers all travelers from mainland China, including Hong Kong residents, mainland residents and other visitors. The Chief Executive-in-Council will invoke the powe ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-06
九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK第1座高層C室,開放式間隔,望開揚景,實用面積約294方呎,業主以約1.4 ...全文
... h Dr Chui Tak-yi said at the same news conference that there are currently three quarantine centers in operation. As 76 of their 97 mobile units in total have been put in use, the government is lookin ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-04
... hat those taking extreme actions and compromising public interest would not succeed, she announced on Monday that Hong Kong will close more of its border crossing points with the mainland from Tuesday ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-04
... OASIS KAI TAK亦安排於大年初六(1月30日)標售單位。 中原開單紅包加碼500封 四大代理行今年亦 ...全文
香港置業分行高級營業經理楊錦河說,該行日前促成九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 2座低層E室租務成交,實用 ...全文
... the Shun Tak turbojet. When buying ferry tickets, I normally opt for a sailing that is less than 10 minutes away in terms of the departure time, but this time I found that the practice was a bit risk ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-16
九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 3座低層B室,2房連多用途房間隔,向東望泳池景,實用面積約549方呎,業 ...全文
... of Sheung Tak Estate, a public housing estate near Tseung Kwan O MTR Station, to disperse anti-government protesters. At around 1:10 a.m., Chow was found lying unconscious on the second floor of the c ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-13
利嘉閣地產助理分區經理徐永全透露,該行促成九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 1座中層B室租賃成交,實用面積 ...全文
... OASIS KAI TAK三房2.35萬承租 九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 1座中層B室,實用面積約6 ...全文
... f the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal to reduce the fees and rents of cruise lines and tenants of the terminal for six months from Dec. 1. Meanwhile, a one-time rental subsidy scheme will be launched for recy ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-05
... OASIS KAI TAK(下稱OASIS)則加設1088天超長成交期及先住後付計劃,令同區戰況轉趨激烈。 嘉 ...全文
香港置業高級營業經理楊錦河稱,九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 2座中高層E室,兩房間隔,實用面積451方 ...全文
九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 2座中高層E室,2房間隔,望內園景,實用面積約451方呎,業主以約1.8 ...全文