... lphabet旗下的Waymo,目前就定位為技術支援公司,尋求與不同汽車廠商合作。 此外,豐田聯同10家企業成 ...全文
... )等先鋒,以至今天的Waymo(屬於Google旗下)和Waylab,自動化車輛愈來愈受到愛車人士的注目。 有 ...全文
今日信報理財投資行業微觀Alan Rowsell2018年02月28日
... lphabet子公司Waymo達成世紀和解。 Waymo去年控告Uber竊取商業機密,指工程師萊萬多夫斯基(A ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月14日
Uber Technologies will give equity stake worth US$245 million to Alphabet's self-driving vehicle unit Waymo to settle a legal dispute over trade secrets, according to an announcement Friday. "While w ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-12
召車軟件公司Uber上周五與Alphabet的自動駕駛附屬Waymo就偷取商業機密訴訟達成和解協議,令這場科技 ...全文
召車軟件商Uber將支付2.45億美元(19.11億港元),結束與Alphabet旗下Waymo自駕汽車分支的 ...全文
... rom rival Waymo to catch up with competitors, Reuters reports. Kalanick’s testimony at a San Francisco federal court on Tuesday marks the first time the Uber co-founder has publicly commented on alleg ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-07
A Federal Court in San Francisco began hearings on Monday in a trade secrets lawsuit involving Alphabet's self-driving car unit Waymo and ride-hailing giant Uber Technologies. In opening statements be ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-06
... car unit Waymo that alleges trade-secrets theft and federal investigations that span possible bribery of foreign officials in Asian countries and the use of software to evade regulators. Over the pas ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-29
... 行競爭。 這封信作為Waymo控告Uber竊取商業機密的訴訟的一部分,上周五被摘錄公開。Waymo是Alpha ...全文
... lphabet旗下的Waymo等對手。 發展潛力大 收入可觀 GM總裁安曼(Dan Ammann)表示,自動的 ...全文
... 下的自動駕駛汽車公司Waymo指控Uber竊取商業機密的官司將於12月4日開審。據外電報道,主審法官近日收到司 ...全文
... ,旗下自動駕駛車公司Waymo將於美國鳳凰城的公路上,首度試行全自駕的士服務。當地居民從即日開始,可透過手機A ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月09日
Waymo, the self-driving car unit of Google's parent Alphabet Inc., will launch a ride-hailing service with no human behind the steering wheel, Reuters reports, citing the firm's CEO John Krafcik. The ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-08
... In April, Waymo, the Google self-driving spinoff, invited hundreds of residents in Phoenix, Arizona, to try its self-driving vehicles. The test area is equivalent to two San Franciscos, or one and a h ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-31
... t旗下的自駕汽車部門Waymo將與Lyft的網絡緊密配合。 Lyft是Uber的主要競爭對手,今次注資亦意味着 ...全文
Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo sought at least US$1 billion in damages and a public apology from Uber Technologies Inc. as conditions for settling its high-profile trade secret lawsuit against the ride-service ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-13