
共 2684 個結果
頁數:1...99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 ...135

Democrats should retire and offer stage to younger ones

... 2047, far beyond the immediate issues. Scholarism convener Joshua Wong Chi-fung said a party that will soon be founded by his group will focus on long-term objectives like a rewrite of the Basic Law a ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-07

Why China economic success is stalling democracy worldwide

... hú Trọng. Beyond providing sufficient material gains to keep the population satisfied, capitalism strengthens a communist-ruled state’s capacity to increase internal repression and control information ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-07

Soaring Shenzhen home prices a repeat of HK in 1997

... el is far beyond what is affordable for the middle class, buyers rush for those homes, even with “100 percent mortgages”. I think the situation is similar to what we saw in Hong Kong nearly two decade ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-02

Wild mushroom, dead rat: A buildings inspector recounts his work

... oblems go beyond the typical cases of damp walls and improper water pipe fittings. While water dripping on walls and poorly fitted water pipes could be considered some of the more common problems face ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-02

There is also a White House in Hong Kong

... ed almost beyond recognition. During the public consultations in early 2015, the Town Planning Board received a lot of objections to the proposal from heritage conservationists, who argued that the Wh ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29

Keep moving toward market-led exchange rate, US urges China

... d to look beyond ultra-low interest rates and printing money to shake the global economy out of its torpor, while renewing their focus on structural reform to spark activity. – Contact us at english@h ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29

Financial market still facing crisis of confidence

...  which is beyond government expectations. As we all know, only the first arrow of “Abenomics”, a weaker yen, has had some effect. The sales tax increase has largely offset the impact of the second arr ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-27

Why Hong Kong is underinvested in overseas property

... diversify beyond Hong Kong where the domestic market is flat and greater comparative value elsewhere will push more and more people to think for the first time about buying property abroad. -- Contact ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-27

Faye Wong, Tony Leung warned after sitting near Dalai supporters

...  has gone beyond the realm of freedom of religious belief.”  The article said quite a few celebrities have been boycotted in recent years for behavior that triggered public anger. It cited the example ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-26

Beijing: US radar system in S Korea would be threat to China

...  goes far beyond the Korean peninsula and reaches into the interior of China,” Wang said Thursday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. He said: “We believe China’s legi ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-26

John Tsang, not CY Leung, is healing Hong Kong

... above and beyond his duty as finance minister. He offered himself as a healer. Critics might dismiss this as part of a supposed power struggle between Leung and Tsang for Beijing's blessing in the run ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-25

Facebook goes beyond 'like' globally

Facebook Inc.'s users worldwide are no longer limited to a response of "like" to a post. The social network has added five more choices: “love”, “haha”, “wow”, “sad” and “angry”. The project, called R ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-25

Xiaomi unveils US$400 ceramic flagship smartphone

... ow expand beyond China, because it's become a victim of its own success there so the addressable market has shrunk, particularly as the market has slowed down," he said. – Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-25

Hongkongers must work together to resolve problems: Tsang

... nificance beyond victory and defeat. It has led me to believe that, with our love for Hong Kong, we are able to overcome any challenge ahead of us, no matter how difficult it is." Mong Kok unrest In t ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-24

Why local startups should venture outside HK

... t to look beyond Hong Kong. Determined to get into Y Combinator’s accelerator program, Huang applied three times before MailTime finally got admitted. “YC is the number one accelerator," Huang noted. ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-23

Chinese study shows overuse of antibiotics

... ections. "Beyond the health system, the economic costs of antibiotic resistance are formidable - in China, one prediction estimates the loss of up to a million lives a year by 2050," the WHO said in t ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-23

Why 'red capital' is a blessing and curse for Hong Kong

... eir money beyond the Chinese border. Yet western countries’ stepped-up scrutiny and the market’s waning appetite for China concept stocks have made that difficult. Several Chinese firms have delisted ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-22

Yeung or Leung? Who to vote for in upcoming Legco by-election

... roken and beyond repair? That question is being put to hundreds of thousands of New Territories East residents entrusted with the power to determine the political fate of Hong Kong. If you happen to b ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-22

How universal insurance can level intergenerational bias

...  life and beyond the control of any single individual. They are unavoidable and can only be managed and adjusted to. But, there is a limit to what can be done in this regard, especially by the majorit ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-22

Why life isn't easy for third-culture kids

...  for kids beyond the toddler age, as growing accustomed to new places and people becomes more difficult with years. But there is a gem of a memory I want to leave you with. It was at Kai Tak Airport w ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-20

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