
共 2688 個結果
頁數:1...99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 ...135

US probes Uber for possible bribery law violations

Uber Technologies Inc. is cooperating with a preliminary investigation led by the U.S. Department of Justice into possible violations of bribery laws, Reuters reports. The preliminary investigation is ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-30

Uber新CEO 熟手扭轉乾坤

基於其召車服務無處不在,召車軟件商Uber(優步)在尋找司機上問題不大。同樣地,自創辦人卡蘭尼克(Travis ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月30日

Expedia CEO黑馬掌Uber
名氣小往績佳 難民出身反特朗普

備受醜聞困擾的召車軟件商Uber(優步),在創辦人兼前行政總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)被「逼 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月29日


... 思考。 滴滴快的擊敗Uber 近年中國最為深刻的合併交易,相信是「Call車App」滴滴與快的在2015年時共 ...全文


Jeff Immelt says not pursuing Uber CEO job

Uber Technologies Inc.’s field of candidates for a new chief executive narrowed further on Sunday when Jeff Immelt, chairman of General Electric Co, said he was no longer in the running for the top le ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-28

Macau Uber drivers offer free rides after Typhoon Hato

As Typhoon Hato has caused widespread problems for Macau citizens, with power and water supplies cut off in many areas and public transportation networks disrupted, ride-hailing services firm Uber is ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

Huochebang: How a truck app gained traction in China

Huochebang, an Uber-type service for trucks, now works with over 3.7 million trucks in China, using a cloud-based logistics platform. The company has been in the spotlight as it is believed that its s ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

災後送暖 Uber澳門重開義載三日

... 澳門的電召車服務程式Uber(優步)亦宣布,因應當地部分交通工具受破壞,決定由昨晚9時起重開澳門Uber Ap ...全文


Uber收入增17% 虧轉盈露曙光

召車軟件Uber(優步)上季經調整後的收入按季增長17%,虧損進一步收窄,反映公司雖然醜聞纏身,又陷入權力真空 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月25日

Uber quarterly loss down as bookings increase

Uber Technologies Inc. reported a 16 percent increase in quarterly bookings and a smaller loss than the previous period as the ride services company showed signs of inching toward profitability. The S ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-24

蘋果研無人駕駛巴士 載員工往返新舊大樓

... p)的縮寫。計劃類似Uber及Alphabet旗下自駕車公司Waymo在特定地區進行的小型測試,服務只限員工, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月24日

Uber減值最多15% CEO人選未明朗

召車軟件Uber(優步)在投資者眼中的身價今非昔比,5家基金投資者上季不約而同調低手上Uber股權的價值,減值 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月24日


... 國運貨,堪稱「貨運界Uber」,去年為內地社會節省價值615億元(人民幣.下同)的燃油及碳排量,難怪國家主席習 ...全文


藉智能助理落單 挑戰亞馬遜

... 剛宣布擴大與召車軟件Uber的送貨試驗,又研究貨倉自動化。     ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月24日

熊市處處 向標普說不

... 無幻想。當召車軟件商Uber(優步)、住宿出租平台Airbnb及同類的獨角獸沒有上市,讓一般市場參與他們的成長 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2017年08月24日

London's all-night subway service a big success

... apps like Uber has also weakened the bargaining power of taxi unions. Meanwhile, the changing lifestyle of city dwellers implies a bigger need for a 24-hour train service. Former London mayor Boris Jo ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-23


超過十億美元而未上市StartUp公司,會被冠上「獨角獸」的稱號,Uber仲未上市,就擁有超過七百億美元的市值 ...全文


企業創辦人 自視過高成通病

... 得成就。召車軟件公司Uber的創辦人卡蘭尼克之前因為公司陷入連串醜聞而被迫離開,但日後仍有可能返回公司做領導, ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月22日

Uber hikes HK rates by up to 80% amid legal troubles

Uber Technologies Inc. on Monday raised its Hong Kong fees by up to 80 percent after a review of its business in the city, Reuters reports, citing the ride-sharing company. The San Francisco-based fir ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-21

云爾錄 : Uber今加價 最高增幅80%

提供智能手機App叫車服務的Uber(優步)公布,由今日起加價,提供經濟型車款的uberX及uberASSIS ...全文


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