
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ...150

Why is Britain so keen to attract HK people as immigrants?

...  at least one parent with BNO status to get a visa to l ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年08月11日


... ed、All in One也為我們打了不少氣。 雖得天時,MIRROR成績不止於此。大台也有造星比賽,但把十強 ...全文


NOVO LAND全盤沽99% 部署1B期
One Innovale加推88伙 折實呎價14932元

... 地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway同日次輪賣樓並即日沽 ...全文


One Innovale第1期加推88戶 周日賣101單位

恒地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway今日次輪開售185 ...全文


One Innovale第1期次輪182單位沽清

恒地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway今日次輪開售185 ...全文


One Innovale第1期暫售93單位

恒地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway今日次輪開售185 ...全文


中原料One Innovale第1期次輪沽清

恒地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway今日次輪開售185 ...全文


One Innovale第1期售三特色戶 1200萬創新高

恒地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway今日次輪開售185 ...全文


Oh, these old Chinese teahouses

... use it is one of the most affordable restaurants in Central that aims to feed the neighbouring residents or kai fong. The restaurant was closed briefly in 2019 when the founder Ngan family chose not t ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-10

Metaverse and banking: Wild, wonderful world or wild, wild west

...  at least one hour a day in the metaverse for these interactions and transactions by 2026. Each of these worlds (with their own population, GDP, in-game currency and digital assets) has elements that ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-10

Chess and geopolitics in the supercomputer era

... ld number one and defending champion, Magnus Carlsen of Norway, has decided that, having won the world title five times since 2013 (not always easily), he is ready to step down at age 31. (Nepo is 32, ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-10

One Innovale收9110票 將盡推餘貨

新界區兩個新盤今天再對撼,合共發售325伙。恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期O ...全文


炒撤銷辣稅落空 地產股照升

... D和恒地旗下粉嶺新盤One Innovale,開價低於同區二手樓,銷情理想,反映短期樓價或已見底。此外,由於預 ...全文


One Innovale第1期收逾9110票 超額48倍

恒地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway明日次輪開售185 ...全文


澳洲天后奧莉花紐頓莊逝世 終年73歲

... ou’re The One That I Want》、《Summer Nights》等,把其事業推上高峰。在1 ...全文


Why the Inflation Reduction Act is a big deal

... what side one takes, this bill represents a step forward. For those worried about excessive demand, there is more than $300 billion in deficit reduction. And on the supply side, the bill would mobiliz ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-09

A step in the right direction

... ent, when one is not in fact in government. It is on this basis that I would extend a note of gratitude to voices of reason and pragmatism within this city’s leadership, who have seen to the plethora ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-09

Can hedge funds add value in today’s treacherous environment?

... them any money. Of course, the right kind of hedge fund can be a part of a portable alpha solution. From past experience, central bank interest-rate-setting committees tend to demonstrate inertia in t ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-09

頁數:1...102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ...150

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