
共 3000 個結果
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由古天樂創辦的影視公司天下一集團,夥拍品牌科技公司Gusto Collective,推出OneCool Col ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年08月09日

One Innovale第1期暫收逾8000票 超購42倍

恒地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway周三(10日)次輪 ...全文


Withered tree reborn: Mourning Mr Hak Chan’s passing

... nt is a pioneer in the application of the geographic information system (GIS) in Hong Kong. In 1983, Mr. Chan, as a professional land surveyor, pushed the Department to take the lead in developing the ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-08

Biden’s summer of legislative love

... Act that nonetheless contains hundreds of billions of dollars to support clean energy and incentivize decarbonization across the economy. Together, these bills are more than enough to flip the narrati ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-08

Counting queers

...  already done so. Canada’s 2021 census asked respondents what their gender identity is and what sex they were assigned at birth. The United Kingdom’s latest census included a voluntary question on sex ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-08

一手周末銷681伙 逾3年新高
NOVO LAND周三晒冷 One Innovale次輪賣185戶

... 地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway同日也加推181伙, ...全文


服務住宅租金收入 疫情下高位跌三成

... 1號的Castle One by V,屬長租住宅項目,提供112個單位,租期兩年起,目前出租率七至八成。現時3 ...全文


One Innovale第1期加推181單位

恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway昨日首 ...全文


One Innovale第1期首輪317伙沽清

恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway首輪發 ...全文



兩個新界區新盤今日開賣,One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway及NOVO LA ...全文


NOVO LAND次輪收1.85萬票今年第二多

... 2)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway則截收7802票,超 ...全文



... 用MIRROR歌曲《ONE AND ALL》歌詞「沿途高低伴我走過,同考驗與消磨,假使我難受過,你看透我竟比我 ...全文


One Innovale第1期收7802票 超額逾23倍

恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway截收, ...全文


One Innovale相鄰地將發展商業步行街

恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale,發展商正積極策劃在項目相鄰的地塊發展商業步行街,同 ...全文


Ending the age of scarcity

... ecline exponentially, their adoption accelerates until they dominate the market. When these technologies become ten times cheaper than the incumbent technology, they swiftly displace it. The disruptio ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-05

America’s China challenge

... all,” but one experienced Aspen participant joked that China is more like 5’10” compared to America’s 6’2”. In any event, China has made impressive progress over the past few decades, and US strategis ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-05

The G20 in an age of war

... national Monetary Fund for assistance, or at least to move in that direction. Amid such far-reaching and interconnected crises, one might imagine that global cooperation would be forthcoming. But ther ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-05

【國際早班車】5枚軍演導彈疑落入日專屬經濟區 北京否認說法

... 地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale–Archway周六首輪銷售318伙住宅,截至周四晚8時錄逾700 ...全文


頁數:1...102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ...150

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