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... 力,我們遊行時仍會唱Beyond的歌,這些軟實力值得香港人珍惜。當然,大陸有一天也會民主化,但香港仍是領頭羊, ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalSimon’s Glocal Chatroom2015年12月19日

PLA, please just leave our children alone

... ayed. But beyond the cheerful and seemingly innocuous ceremony, the real intent of the event was all too obvious to overlook or ignore.  The event, though promoted as a part of the PLA's community ser ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-17

Vietnamese military bulks up with China in its sights

... has moved beyond contingency planning. Key units have been placed on "high combat readiness" -- an alert posture to fend off a sudden attack -- including its elite Division 308, which guards the mount ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-17

How Deng made sure there would be a PLA garrison in Hong Kong

... soldiers, beyond 1997. Evans called an urgent meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Zhou Nan (周南), then Beijing's de facto envoy in Hong Kong, to protest Deng's unilateral decision. But Zhou, writing ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-16

Psst! Want to buy some Chinese bad loans? Try Taobao

China’s largest bad loans manager is selling troubled assets on Alibaba's Taobao marketplace, widening the reach of the e-commerce giant beyond online retail sales. China Huarong Asset Management Co. ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-16

Slow boat to China but Rhodes scholarship has arrived

... might be, beyond the high level of academic achievement and potential for leadership, what is most striking is the core social values that all four winners share. Gong Chenzhuo, who graduated from Sha ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-15

玩音樂駐顏 葉世榮不老

「二樓後座」是Beyond粉絲的音樂聖地,記者和馬來西亞的異種樂隊一樣,都懷着激動的心情上樓。洗衣街215號的 ...全文



... 振英上載自己翻唱樂隊Beyond的歌曲《喜歡你》,一眾網民立即質疑當中有否違反《版權條例》,令特首辦不得不急急 ...全文


Can reminbi become a world currency?

... minbi far beyond the Asia-Pacific region. It is important to note, however, that China’s leaders do not seem to be angling for the renminbi to replace the dollar as the dominant international currency ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14


... 煩。 特首梁振英夥同Beyond樂隊成員黃家強與一眾高官在經民聯的黨慶場合高唱《喜歡你》,撇開黃家強因此受到千 ...全文



...    「如果我不是Beyond這個名字的一員,我應該可以更加幸福。」──樂隊Beyond成員 黃家強 特首唱 ...全文


Singing a song at a banquet could cost you over HK$10,000

Much has been said about Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying performing a song by local band Beyond and having the video recording uploaded to his Facebook page. It's not just that some people think the t ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-11


... 上,與一眾司局長以及Beyond成員黃家強在台上高興合唱《喜歡你》,事後黃家強變身「蝗家強」只是小插曲,真正的 ...全文


Basic Law allows Beijing to transplant own laws into HK?

... s that go beyond the limits of Hong Kong autonomy. The question then is, what are these matters that go beyond the limits of Hong Kong autonomy? Is the co-location arrangement for the West Kowloon rai ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-10

CY Leung: Facebook upload of Wong Ka-keung duet not ideal

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying is admitting his Facebook upload of a video showing him performing with a former Beyond frontman is "not ideal". Leung said he has taken steps to clear up any copyright ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-10


Beyond成員黃家強一夜之間淪為網民狙擊對象,並且多了兩個花名,叫作「國家強」和「蝗家強」,實在予人一點無辜 ...全文


「網絡港豬」主導抗命 「轉化使用」凌駕版權

梁特與前Beyond成員家強於本周一的一個晚會上合唱《喜歡你》,其後把錄下的一個片段放上網,很快引起網民高度關 ...全文


Are fans being unfair to Wong Ka-keung? You decide

... ed former Beyond frontman Wong Ka-keung?  Wong, younger brother of the popular duo behind the influential 1980s rock band, was forced to come out and explain after Leung posted images from a party in ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-09

Fishermen charge couple 18,000 yuan for retrieving son's body

... was still beyond what they could afford, the couple borrowed money from relatives to pay the fishermen and got back the body on Sunday. The couple later called the fishermen's demands extortion. But t ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-09


香港殿堂級樂隊Beyond的歌曲膾炙人口,皆因動聽的旋律中散播勵志的訊息,人在猶豫時都需要一點支持。華倫西亞新 ...全文


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