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英國《金融時報》報道,日本軟銀集團(SoftBank)為阿布扎比官營投資公司Mubadala Investme ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年02月19日

South Korea offers lessons on how to develop artificial island

As part of an exchange program in South Korea held in October last year, I had a chance to visit the Songdo International Business District, a smart city on a reclaimed island near the Incheon Interna ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-18


1.半日瀉467點失兩萬八 濠賭手機股沽壓大 港股今早一度瀉近500點,失守兩萬八關,一舉跌穿10天(2806 ...全文


Will global equities extend the recent rally?

Hong Kong, emerging markets and the US have all seen equity markets moving up in the New Year, with the benchmark indexes gaining more than 9 percent. Stock markets have reversed the sluggish performa ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-15

索羅斯基金上季沽清蘋果微軟 大增Alphabet

索羅斯基金(Soros Fund Management)上季大舉減持科技股和晶片股,但大幅增持谷歌母公司Alp ...全文


Trump to declare national emergency over border wall

US President Donald Trump will sign a border security and federal spending bill to avert another government shutdown but will declare a national emergency to try to obtain funds for his promised borde ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-15


舊的一年結束、新的一年開始的時候,我們都會作回顧與展望,回顧去年發生的大事,估計來年會有什麼重要的事情發生。 ...全文


美去年慈善家排名 貝索斯首上榜封王

美國《慈善紀事報》(Chronicle of Philanthropy)公布2018年度美國50大慈善家排行榜 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年02月15日

Why the Tencent-Reddit tie-up makes sense for both parties

Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings (00700.HK) is buying a stake in Reddit, one of America’s top free-speech forums. The deal has stoked fears among Reddit users about potential censorship and bre ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-14

How can we tax footloose multinationals?

In the last few years, globalization has come under renewed attack. Some of the criticisms may be misplaced, but one is spot on: globalization has enabled large multinationals, like Apple, Google, and ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-14

R&D tax incentives: Why they may not make sense

Extensive international research shows that offering research and development (R&D) tax credits to businesses with an objective of encouraging them to spend more on R&D, a popular policy among ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-13


日本軟銀集團(SoftBank)再有大額投資項目。研發自駕車技術的矽谷初創Nuro宣布,獲軟銀集團提供9.4億 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年02月13日

Europe’s banking system all prepared for 'no deal' Brexit

The governor of the Central Bank of Ireland said Britain was likely to leave the European Union with a deal but that the European banking system was completely prepared for a "no deal" scenario. Addre ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12

HK to have digital-only TV services from December next year

The Chief Executive in Council has approved a plan to switch off analogue TV services by the end of Nov. 30, 2020, meaning TV services in Hong Kong will be transmitted solely by digital signals from D ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12

Fashion startup Zilingo gets US$226 million in new financing

Southeast Asian fashion startup Zilingo said it has raised US$226 million in its latest funding round from existing backers such as venture capital firm Sequoia Capital, with Singapore’s Temasek Holdi ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-12


自駕車技術初創企業Nuro宣布,得到日本軟銀提供9.4億美元(73.32億港元)的融資。以入股條件計算,該公司 ...全文



未有盈利生科企業基石藥業定出招股價範圍,集資最多23.8億元。 外電引述銷售文件顯示,基石藥業計劃發行1.86 ...全文


軟銀分拆股價謝 回購難𠱁投資者

日本四季分明,事事講求季節性。立春已過,春季限定就是企業宣布回購計劃。備受爭議的軟銀集團(SoftBank)上 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年02月11日


早前香港創科界出現了一個「風頭躉」,就是研發室內空氣淨化燈「Airluna」的ASA Innovation & ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年02月11日


新年伊始,筆者祝各位讀者新年順境,萬事如意。自2008年金融海嘯發生後,美國首先推出的量化寬鬆也最早獲得成效, ...全文


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