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... 的號碼存貨,最多的有175萬個,最少也有52萬個,而23個虛擬網絡商如SUN Mobile、聯通(00762) ...全文


Ai Weiwei blasts Lego 'censorship', links new Shanghai Legoland

... traits of 175 dissident figures who had been jailed or exiled, from Nelson Mandela to Edward Snowden, on the site of the former Alcatraz prison near San Francisco. He is planning a similar work for th ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-26

港交所正股上破 購證增至佔10%

... (00388)股價於175元附近,呈三底支持而反彈,並先後突破50天線及200元關口,近日上試250天線初見阻 ...全文


A股插水 憂再掃違規孖展

... 亦不遑多讓,最多曾瀉175點(6.99%),低見2335點,收報2344點,跌166點(6.63%)。滬深兩市 ...全文


颱風襲菲 萬人撤離

... 錄得中心風速為每小時175公里,最高風速達每小時240公里。沿岸地區捲起4米高大浪,狂風暴雨引發水災,破壞不少 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年10月19日


高力國際獲業主委任為特約市務代理,放售觀塘海濱道175號國際工業大廈高層全層,建築面積約15,140平方呎,以 ...全文


港股有望破兩萬三 滬指近超買提防波動

... 收報23064點,升175點或0.8%。另外夜市期指收報22905,跌7點,較昨日恒指高水17點。恒指昨收市報 ...全文


兩集團續停牌 市場料誕「神船」

... 公告。 中遠集運經營175艘貨櫃船,中海集運則經營156艘,按運力計算,分別是全球第六大和第七大貨櫃箱海運商, ...全文


Cosco, China Shipping in advanced merger talks

...  operates 175 container vessels and CSCL operates 156, making them the world’s sixth and seventh largest container companies in terms of capacity, with a combined global container capacity share of ar ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-15

JPMorgan to pay most in settlement over credit default swaps

... llion, US$175 million and US$164 million, respectively, the report said. Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG and Bank of America Corp. will pay about US$160 million, US$120 million and US$90 mill ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-02

What happens when companies stray from their core business

...  raise HK$175 million, of which HK$50 million was earmarked to develop the securities business. Sunrise China Technology Group (08226.HK) is not as lucky. The investment holding company is engaged in ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-18

Link REIT's i-chicken program likely to be a hit

The Link Real Estate Investment Trust (00823.HK) is not the first one to come up with the idea of selling fresh chicken in Hong Kong through the internet. But with 175 properties in its portfolio, inc ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-27

What Greece needs to prosper

... limbed to 175 percent of GDP. The “demand school” might respond that, regardless of whether there is fiscal austerity now, increased government spending (financed, of course, by debt) would impart a p ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-07

When is the right time to bargain-hunt for gold?

...  still US$175 above the production cost. Investors should wait until the price comes close to the cost line. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on August 3. Translation by Julie Z ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-03

Why Hong Kong is the only Asian hub for global media

... rd out of 175 nations surveyed. There's growing concern that freedom of expression in Hong Kong is slowly eroding as Beijing tightens its grip on the territory. But so far you can mock and throw insul ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24

No, the toilet isn't behind the plane's emergency door

It turns out that mainland Chinese aren't the only airline passengers who sometimes feel the urge to open the emergency door. As VietJet Air flight 175 prepared to leave Hanoi for Ho Chi Minh City, 43 ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-30

Gap to close 175 stores, cut jobs at headquarters

...  to close 175 of the 675 specialty stores under the Gap label over the next few years, resulting in annual sales losses of about US$300 million. The company also said it expects to incur one-time cost ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-16

Nigeria central bankers charged in US$40 mln currency scam

... th out of 175 countries in Transparency International’s 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index, in joint place with Russia and Iran, the report said. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-02

China-backed AIIB unstoppable despite US attempts to foil it

... tal of US$175 billion. China is believed to be prepared to put up US$50 billion on its own. The original group did not include any US allies. Australia, which had been expected to join, was lobbied in ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-17

Valeant dangles US$10.96 bln cash to win Salix bid

...  about US$175 per share in cash and stock. As of Friday's close, Endo's offer was worth US$172.56 per share. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-17

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