
共 3000 個結果
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One Innovale第1期最快周末首輪銷售

恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期One Innovale–Archway最快今 ...全文


For HK to improve its deteriorating image, starting point is HK

... hina. For one thing, Hong Kong, is in no position to repeal a Chinese law. The committee knows this but it can only operate within the parameters of the ICCPR, which binds Hong Kong but not China. So ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-02

Fiscal policy should return to fundamentals

Recent large interest-rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank suggest that monetary policymakers are intent on moving forcefully to bring down inflation. But where are the s ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-02

【異動股】小鵬曾挫4% 7月交付增四成三

... 交付10422輛理想ONE,現跌2.3%;蔚來(09866)7月交付10052輛汽車,按年增長26.7%,現跌 ...全文


Give peace a try

... owe it to one another to speak the truth, but war silences it, for it has no room and no patience for tolerance. War is unkind. Why, then, do we still repeatedly go to war? Why, then, have we yet to l ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-02

開市焦點:黑期今早挫240點再失二萬關 緊盯中美形勢

... 交付10422輛理想ONE,按年增長21.3%;蔚來(09866)7月交付10052輛汽車,按年增長26.7% ...全文


【國際早班車】佩洛西傳將訪台 美稱解放軍或越台海中線

... 地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale–Archway加推2號價單123伙住宅,實用面積208至609方 ...全文


內地電動車7月交付 小鵬續領跑

... 。理想的首款車型理想ONE自2019年上市以來,累計交付量達到19.49萬輛。 蔚來受制壓鑄件供應限產 至於蔚 ...全文


祈耀年首開腔反駁 分拆弊處多

... look into one item)。 他又說,分拆後新公司為了應付資本要求,或需要額外發債,融資成本數以十 ...全文


One Innovale加推123伙提價2.8%
NOVO LAND日內添食 周末賣次輪

新界區爆發新盤戰,恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期One Innovale–A ...全文


One Innovale第1期加推123戶

恒基物業代理營業(一)部總經理林達民表示,恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第1期On ...全文



理想汽車(02015)公布,該公司7月交付10422輛理想ONE,按年增長21.3%。自2019年上市以來,理 ...全文


HK-Mainland cross border data transfer: What do we need to know?

... y Commissioner for Personal Data (” PCPD “) is responsible for overseeing the implementation of and compliance with provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (“PDPO”). Whilst the ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

Sino-British relations to worsen with new Prime Minister

... .” His opponent, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, said that she would clamp down on Chinese-owned companies such as social media giant Tok Tok. “The government absolutely should be cracking down on those ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

The Great Lease Resignation

... ees save money, drive down carbon emissions and support local communities. Just two or three years ago, it would have been hard to believe that mid-2022 would see so many businesses across the world a ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

NOVO LAND添食168伙提價2.4%
8特色單位首登場 擬周末賣次輪

... 值約1.42億元。 One Innovale 1期超額12倍今加推 嘉里建設(00683)發展的九龍半山超級豪 ...全文



... ;而Capital One早於去年投資預約公司以建立自家旅遊網站,並開設了機場候機室。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年08月01日

中法融合 極鮮境界

... 曾開設私隱度十足的「One-Thirtyone」法式私房菜餐廳,之後更成為達官貴人的私人總廚長達20年,期間他 ...全文


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