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隨着環球經濟不斷變化,要確保投資可穩定增值,市場上具創新理念的投資法相繼湧現,當中不得不提的,有近年掀起俗稱「 ...全文


HK start-up boosts bike riding safety with award-winning helmet

One year at Harvard turned Jeff Chen Hao-ren, a student from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), into a startup co-founder. As an exchange student in the United States, Chen of ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-01

Why the city’s iconic Octopus card is so yesterday

We all love the Octopus card. It's just so convenient. It seems we can’t live in Hong Kong without it. But if you look at how an ordinary day passes north of the border, you may think otherwise. In th ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-31

Honeywell bags Melrose metering unit for U$5.1 bln

Honeywell International Inc. has agreed to buy the utility consumption metering business of Britain's Melrose Industries Plc. for about US$5.1 billion. It's the largest acquisition by Honeywell in mor ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-29

Guess what? There's always a third way in investing

Even in normal times, individual and institutional investors alike have a hard time figuring out where to invest and in what. Should one invest more in advanced or emerging economies? And which ones? ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-28

Kai Ching kids show signs of intellectual development delays

Secretary for Food and Health Dr. Ko Wing-man has sought to allay fears that children found to have excessive lead levels in their blood would experience stunted intellectual growth. Ko said signs of ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

How to visualize tons of real-time data without blinking

"Fintech" is is a relatively new buzzword that is used to describe technology-enabled financial transactions. Peer-to-peer lending and third-party payment services such as Alipay and Tenpay are good e ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

DAB caught between serving HK people and pleasing Beijing

Beijing has relied on the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) to serve as a stabilizing force for the city's middle class.  It wants the pro-establishment party to f ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

Is school education all about competition and grades?

The results of the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examination, a prerequisite for university admission, were published last week, with the majority of the students unable to make the grade. That ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-25


修讀計算機工程時,接觸過由Intel創辦人Moore於1965年提出的Moore's Law︰每隔兩年,一粒集 ...全文

今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2015年07月25日


近期,fitbit智能腕帶大行其道,不少人腕上多了這種活動追蹤器,連林鄭司長也戴有一條。無他,fitbit除了 ...全文


China 'car models' find a better way to strut their stuff

Auto expos in China had in recent years turned into Vegas-style showbiz events as companies deployed scantily-clad female models to draw people to the exhibition booths. Draping themselves over the bo ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24

創新3+3原色技術 4K超高清智能電視

以Hexa Chroma Drive影像處理系統打造的Panasonic 4K超高清智能電視,透過創新3+3原 ...全文



夏日炎炎,當然要把握機會跟陽光玩遊戲!到沙灘海浴,換上一身健康古銅色肌膚,是很多人每年夏天的必備節目,不過女士 ...全文



中國已經先後發布了3批智慧城市試點,目前已經有超過500個城市在進行智慧城市試點,並出台了相應規劃,計劃投資規 ...全文


Zombie orders pump up growth of Uber in China

The firm behind the controversial US-based car-hiring app Uber reportedly intends to list itself in mainland China or Hong Kong as early as next year, as part of its ambitions to expand its business i ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-15

ZTE eyes 5G, smart city as future revenue engines

The 5G era is just around the corner. Samsung predicts the next-generation mobile technology will be out on the market by 2020, but Keiichi Makizono, senior vice president of SoftBank, is confident hi ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-14


中興(00763)通訊高級副總裁龐勝清指出,智慧城市(smart city)是中興發展重點之一,計劃未來智慧城 ...全文


Why China’s soft power is limited

China has been making major efforts to increase its ability to influence other countries without force or coercion. In 2007, then-president Hu Jintao told the Communist Party the country needed to inc ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-13

Is Uber illegal or is the law too outdated?

Thanks to the "go slow" protest staged by local taxi drivers earlier this week, Uber is now the most popular app in Hong Kong, according to top app lists in Apple Store and Android's Play Store. On so ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-11

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