
共 2387 個結果
頁數:1...106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 ...120

Hong Kong colleagues in the eyes of non-locals

Thanks to a steady diet of TVB dramas, many mainlanders new to Hong Kong see it as a city of dizzying skyscrapers, vibrant nightlife, fancy homes and other trappings of a modern, cosmopolitan metropol ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25


... 世代矛盾 今晚七點於TVB播出的這一集正是討論「廢青」,嘉賓是百貨公司CEO莊偉忠。「廢青」除了指缺乏上進心的 ...全文


Ex-hospital head got four doctorate degrees in 5 years: report

... nna Tang, TVB actress Sisley Choi and 17 policemen. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-21


... 登台表演。畢業後曾在TVB粵劇節目《合晒合尺》擔任主持、編輯、剪接、配音,三年一腳踢。曾簽約環星唱片公司,與尹 ...全文


Lifelong College linked to fast-tracked degrees for cops

...  Tang and TVB actress Sisley Choi took shortened graduate courses. Last year, Hong Kong authorities began an investigation into Lifelong for allegedly cranking out doctoral degrees by shortening the p ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-20

Can Louisa Mak win it again?

... levision. TVB is the organizer of the Miss Hong Kong pageant as well as the Miss Chinese International gig. Mak was the hot favorite to win the Miss Hong Kong title right from the start. She scored st ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-19

百萬贊助毛記 Shell本小利大

... pm索價約309元;tvb.com則是103元【表】。 《蘋果》歡迎做大個餅 壹傳媒(00282)行政總裁張嘉 ...全文



《明報》母公司世界華文媒體(00685)早前停牌並公布,可能向潛在投資者出售萬華媒體(00426)的股份,江湖 ...全文

今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年01月16日

樂視奪世盃港獨播權 無綫暗指出價不合理

四年一度的世界盃乃電視台必爭之地,不過,今次贏家不再是電視廣播(00511)(TVB)或有線寬頻(01097) ...全文


What we should watch in a One Media deal

... anized by TVB and the three local radio stations. There was a lot of social media buzz and everyone seemed to have had a good time. While it is anybody's guess as to who will buy out the 10 percent st ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-12

How TVMost show made its audience feel like Hongkongers

... e name of TVB’s Jade Solid Gold awards show, which was a must-watch in the heyday of Cantopop but now has a dwindling audience. Parodying the TVB gala, Monday night’s show awarded prizes to the best p ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-12

TVB to launch fee-based online TV service against Netflix

... his week. TVB chief executive Mark Lee Po-on said the TV station must seek new platforms or risk becoming obsolete if it sticks to its free TV broadcasts. Lee said the changes are inevitable, noting t ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-08


副廣播處長戴健文今個周二last day,為33年的港台生涯畫上句號。他的位置由前廣播處長鄧忍光愛將廖麗怡接替 ...全文


How Beijing and HK make use of media in Lee Bo case

... ct of the TVB news. However, many are concerned. More than 4,000 Hong Kong viewers have filed complaints with the Communications Authority, the city's media regulator, accusing TVB of spreading rumors ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-07


... ——文縐縐,不是大台TVB在粉飾自己的剩女節目,而是正氣台香港電台的「社會實驗」。找來劉鳴煒,家境與政壇當紅, ...全文



... 采聲的得獎者——他在TVB打工20年了。 還記得憑這個獎項再晉身視帝的黎耀祥嗎?黎摘下男配角獎的一刻,也有44 ...全文



電視廣播(00511)(TVB)繼去年初出售持有TVBS電視台的聯意集團過半股權後,昨天把剩餘47%股份以作價 ...全文


林奕華舞台 易懂不易懂

... 劇,被甘國亮發掘加入TVB。畢業後與友人組成前衞劇團「進念.二十面體」。1989年至1995年在倫敦居住期間組 ...全文


YouTuber, film director argue online over what is success

A Hong Kong YouTuber received more than a hundred thousand views for a 10 minute clip she uploaded criticizing a guest on a TVB program for defining success for young people in a narrow way. Asha Cuth ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-30

政經名人惹官非 上訴個案浪接浪

... 訴許可。 電視廣播(TVB)(00511)前業務總經理陳志雲及其前經理人叢培崑涉嫌貪污案,陳申請上訴至終審法院 ...全文


頁數:1...106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 ...120

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