
共 1931 個結果
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長飛光纖光纜(06869) 通函 - [持續關連交易 / 修訂憲章文件 / 其他]

長飛光纖光纜(06869) 1)重續與普睿司曼集團的持續關連交易2)補充中國華信框架協議、補充上海諾基亞採購框 ...全文


中國中冶(01618) 通函 - [修訂憲章文件 / 一般性授權 / 其他]

中國中冶(01618) 建議批准本公司2019年度財務決算報告的議案; 建議批准本公司2019年度利潤分配的議 ...全文



一代老品牌利豐(00494)噚日宣布私有化獲得通過,噚晚睇返同事做嘅相關故仔,訪問幾個長情投資者,四個有三個話 ...全文



上個星期五(5月8日)見隻阿里巴巴(09988)Call(26063)有10%以上嘅進賬,又見Happy Fr ...全文



5月7日,周四。老畢早前引述「信析」所言,指美股3月下旬以來的升市比乞人憎更乞人憎。如今看來,除了那些追唔切的 ...全文



執筆時恒指反彈300點,個市死唔去? 昨日「五窮月」開局勁插1029點,成交大增;今早最多反彈258點,半日成 ...全文


台捐口罩 李顯龍妻先「呃」後謝

台灣近期藉抗疫活躍在國際舞台上,亦惹來不少是非。台灣外交部本月9日宣布啟動第二波援助需要口罩的國家,對象包括新 ...全文


瀘州銀行(01983) 通函 - [在股東批准的情況下重選或委任董事 / 其他]

瀘州銀行(01983) (1)2019年度報告 (2)2019年度董事會工作報告... (6)2019年度利潤 ...全文



#滙控(00005)喺4月1日愚人節破天荒宣布取消派息,震撼市場!到底滙控取消派息嘅背後原因係咩呢?銀行業又係 ...影片



外國的月亮不一定特別圓。3年多前,美國一智庫發表了一篇名為Money Lost to the Cloud: H ...全文



今朝早出咗單大新聞,都應該係滙控(00005)同渣打(02888)係今年唔派息,「作為長情股東,今日愚人節對匯 ...全文


Australia pledges US$80 bln wages subsidy to protect jobs

Australia will spend A$130 billion (US$79.85 billion) to subsidize the wages of an estimated six million people, marking a third tranche of stimulus designed to limit the economic fallout of the coron ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

US surpasses China, Italy in coronavirus cases

The United States on Thursday surpassed China and Italy as the country with the most coronavirus cases, making the country the new center of the global pandemic. The number of US cases of coronavirus ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-27

Amazon pauses sellers' loan repayments amid coronavirus

Amazon.com Inc. said it will temporarily not require sellers in its marketplace to repay loans it has made to them, as merchants confront the prospect of declining sales during the coronavirus pandemi ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

大華繼顯:企業盈收派息最新指引 為換馬資金導航

技術走勢: 朝20天線反彈,以21,139至24,087點的較大波動區間運行焦點行業板塊: 「新基建」勢成財策 ...影片


Singapore flags deep recession after first-quarter GDP falls

Singapore’s economy suffered its biggest contraction in a decade in the first quarter, data showed on Thursday, as the coronavirus pandemic prompted the city-state to cut its full-year GDP forecast an ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

Spain's coronavirus death toll overtakes China's

Spain’s coronavirus death toll jumped by 738 overnight to exceed that of China, where the disease originated, Reuters reports. With 3,434 fatalities, Spain now has the second highest number of deaths ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

Pandemic prompts wave of prisoner releases

The rapid spread of coronavirus is piling pressure on criminal justice systems globally and has led to a flood of prisoner releases, with the United States, Canada and Germany joining Iran in releasin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

Chinese students pay US$20,000 for private-jet seats to flee US

As the coronavirus spreads across the United States, Chinese students from wealthy families are persuading their parents to pay tens of thousands of dollars for seats on private jets to get home. The ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

Western supply chains buckle amid coronavirus lockdowns

Freight carriers are struggling to deliver goods by land, sea or air as the coronavirus pandemic forces Western governments to impose lockdowns, threatening supplies of vital products including medici ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-24

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