
共 3000 個結果
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What steel decarbonization needs

... lly, the fact remains that steel is 100% recyclable. To recycle all of it means pushing designers to make products that are easier to disassemble, to more easily remove copper wiring and other contami ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-23

Can't touch or feel a digital asset?

... e of transacting cross border payments is one great feature that digital assets do possess. If you've had an argument with the bar over your drinks tab, you will realize that having many people know w ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-22

Sanctimonious sanctions

With clockwork inevitability, the proposal by a number of US lawmakers to introduce the Hong Kong Sanctions Act provoked a locust swarm of vitriolic protests. The idea of sanctioning 49 Hong Kong offi ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

蘋果入稟法院 挑戰歐盟《數碼市場法》

... l Markets Act)。 《數碼市場法》針對6間科技巨擘包括蘋果、微軟、谷歌、亞馬遜、Meta及TikT ...全文


Justice for street vendors

...  economic activity that provides livelihoods for millions and accounts for a large share of urban employment in many cities across the Global South. Nearly 59,000 street vendors work in Dakar, account ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-17

美長債需求少 國債危機難紓緩

...  and Jobs Act of 2017)提供的眾多稅務優惠,將在2025年底屆滿,加稅及相關經濟效應將不能 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2023年11月17日

Bonds are back

... boost for active bond strategies. Demand for global equity and ESG Within equities, the top target for increased gatekeeper allocation over the next 12 months is global equity, at 51%. Selectors are a ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-14

Getting from climate pledges to climate action

... eaningful action. The United Nations’ recent “global stocktake” report shows that we are falling short of the drastic cuts needed to achieve climate stability, underscoring the urgent need for governm ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-10


...  and Jobs Act of 2017)部分稅務優惠屆滿,受益者須繳付更高稅款。隨後聯邦政府稅收持續增加, ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2023年11月10日

New frontiers in low-cost clean tech

The leaders’ declaration that emerged from the recent G20 summit in New Delhi highlighted the urgent need for collective action on climate change and sustainable finance. Central to the group’s Green ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-08

Hong Kong Ballet Gala & Great Gatsby

... as in two acts and featured five guest stars – Marianela Nunez from the Royal Ballet who first guested with the company in June, Daniil Simkin, Constantine Allen from the Dutch National Ballet, as wel ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-07


... d Support Act)確保幼兒使用照顧服務的權利,承諾在2014年開始,1歲以上至3歲以下的幼兒均可獲得 ...全文


紐候任總理未夠議席 須拉兩黨組閣

... ,但必須拉攏行動黨(ACT)及紐西蘭第一黨(New Zealand First),以組成聯合政府。 得票約3 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月04日


... ity Drone Act(美國安全無人機法案),阻止聯邦政府部門動用納稅人金錢,購買中國生產的無人機,以保障 ...全文


美議員提出法案 擬禁政府購中國無人機

... ity Drone Act),阻止聯邦政府部門動用納稅人金錢,購買中國生產的無人機,以保障美國利益及國家安全。 ...全文


Architecting the future of banking and wealth management

... nd its impact on banks and wealth managers – may seem scarce. However, as the saying goes, “The best generals are made in battle.” The current economic slowdown provides an opportunity for financial i ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

美宣布32個區為科技樞紐 將提供資助

... d Science Act),而公布上述科技樞紐,使華府可以向在樞紐開展的項目提供援助,以創造新職位。 拜登周 ...全文



...  Services Act),大型互聯網企業須盡快移除平台上的虛假訊息,否則會被施加巨額罰款,最高罰則可高達收 ...全文



...  Marriage Act),申訴人的律師主張法院把此法擴展到同性婚姻。首席大法官錢德拉赫德(D.Y. Cha ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月18日

Navigating AI risks in Asia

... blic interactive generative AI products and services to be subject to the CAC’s security assessment. It is likely that China will enact further detailed and specific AI legislation by the end of 2023. ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-17

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