2019年對電視行業來說是動盪的一年,特別是全球業務的發展,多間跨國企業合併、重組和結盟,電視收視率、廣告收入 ...全文
NBCUniversal’s new Peacock streaming service will offer free and US$5-per-month options with advertising to try to win customers for its belated entry into the online video wars, the company announced ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-17
美國《紐約時報》報道,蘋果已經與美國HBO頻道前行政總裁Richard Plepler主理的公司簽訂5年獨家製 ...全文
全球股市還有一周便進入2020年,市場人士認為明年對股市影響的五大焦點,首要的依然是中美兩國貿易談判,其次是美 ...全文
美國第四大電訊商T-Mobile新任行政總裁西韋特(Michael Sievert)堪稱橋王,並愛破壞傳統,自 ...全文
... 4. Profit at the division jumped 79 percent to nearly US$1.1 billion. The company’s media networks division posted a 3 percent decrease in operating income to US$1.8 billion, Disney said. Sports netwo ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-08
AT&T Inc. will launch its HBO Max streaming service in May 2020 with a new Game of Thrones series at the current HBO price of US$15 a month in an aggressive move to battle Netflix, Disney and Appl ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-30
美國電話電報(AT&T)公布,增加委任兩名董事及準備明年出售價值100億美元(780億港元)的非核心資 ...全文
... enough that they assuaged concerns about price sensitivity and penetration levels in the domestic markets,” said Fitch director Patrice Cucinello. “A caveat is that competition hasn’t hit yet.” The c ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-17
美國電話電報(AT&T)公布,出售波多黎各與美屬處女群島的無線與固網業務予Liberty拉美集團,作價 ...全文
Huawei Technologies has dismissed a media report which claimed that the Chinese telecom equipment maker is looking at a possible acquisition of Brazilian phone company Oi. “Huawei has no plan or inter ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-23
據巴西媒體報道,當地即將展開5G網絡建設,華為擬參與中移動(00941)對巴西電訊商Oi SA的收購,以增加在 ...全文
美國電話電報(AT&T)應否賣掉衞星電視營運商DirecTV,已成為這間美國電訊巨頭與維權股東對沖基金 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月23日