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蘋果公司的無線耳機AirPods銷售報捷後,彭博引述消息人士透露,該公司正準備進軍高階耳機市場,開發具抗噪音功 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年03月07日


蘋果公司據報正計劃進行高端耳機市場。 外電引述知情人士表示,蘋果的無線耳機AirPods為市場帶來驚喜,該公司 ...全文


蘋果傳擬推高端頭戴式耳機 料今秋上市

... 嘿,Siri」的新款AirPods,另一款是打着自主品牌的高端頭戴式無線耳機,它將於今年第四季發布。 報告指, ...全文


Apple posts record quarterly sales but offers muted forecast

... watch and AirPods wireless earbuds during the Christmastime shopping season were also strong. Apple projected revenue for the current quarter to be between US$60 billion and US$62 billion, up from a y ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-02


... 到阻滯。去年無線耳機AirPods原訂在10月出貨,最後要延遲到12月。 更重要的是,智能擴音器將會是今年年尾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月20日


蘋果公司將於下周舉行發布會,不少「果迷」期待新產品登場。去年9月發表的AirPods無線耳機以創新設計示人,當 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年09月05日

Apple begins selling wireless AirPods after two-month delay

Apple Inc. has begun selling its AirPod wireless headphones after a nearly two-month delay. Apple first said AirPods ordered online Tuesday would arrive Dec. 21 but by mid-morning New York time, Apple ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-14

AirPods延出貨 待蘋果檢測品質

蘋果昨天公布,旗下無線耳機AirPods不會按計劃本月出貨,是蘋果5年來首次延誤交付硬件產品,但市場估計Air ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月28日


... lash的舊路?還是Airpods的設計,會像IEEE一樣經不起考驗?還須拭目以待。 圖片來源:互聯網 撰文 ...全文


Is '7' proving unlucky for Apple and Samsung?

... wireless "Airpods", fearing that they may not deliver optimal sound quality, or that they may consume too much battery power. Also, if a person loses the earbuds -- which is easy given their tiny size ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-12

Apple's iPhone 7 doesn’t wow, but does that matter so much?

...  wireless Airpods. Apple says its Lightning and Airpods offer far more functions than 3.5mm earphones, such as matching several devices, infrared sensor and better sound quality. However, all these in ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-12


... ghtning插頭或AirPods無線耳筒。換言之,大家以往買下的、價值數千元的中高檔3.5mm耳筒,除非加上 ...全文


iPhone 7棄耳機插口惹劣評
蘋果業績看淡 股價曾跌2.3%

... 插口。蘋果的無線耳機AirPods不會跟隨iPhone 7附送,10月底才推出,售價159美元。不過,iPho ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年09月09日

Apple unveils iPhone 7, AirPod headphones

Apple Inc. on Wednesday unveiled iPhone 7 and 7 Plus along with a set of new wireless headphones called AirPods and the next generation of the firm's smartwatch. The new iPhones come with high-resolut ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-08

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