
共 205 個結果
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入股滴滴 蘋果拓Apple Pay

... 部投資。市場研究公司Canalys猜測,此舉顯示蘋果擬在內地大舉擴張其應用車載系統Apple CarPlay及 ...全文


iPhone銷量見頂 今季收入料跌

... 機銷情放緩的影響。 Canalys分析員指出,並非只有iPhone在華銷情淡靜。現時內地擁有智能手機的民眾愈來 ...全文


Mobile payment driving Alipay deals

... arch firm Canalys said Alibaba may invest in Xiaomi Inc., maker of the eponymous handset that is shaking up the Chinese market, using part of a planned US$8 billion bond issue. A deal would allow Alib ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-09

Are medical wristbands worth the money?

... institute Canalys expects shipments of smart wristbands to top eight million units this year. The figure could triple to 23 million units next year and hit 45 million by 2017. ABI, another research c ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-08

Weak PMI drags down Hang Seng Index as Sinopec surges

... arch firm Canalys said the firm’s smartphone market share has dropped from 14 percent to 12 percent in the last quarter of 2013, but remained in the second place behind Samsung. The news made Lenovo t ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-20

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