Electric luxury car start-up Faraday Future, one of several Chinese-funded companies taking aim at Elon Musk's Tesla Inc., is throttling back on plans to build vehicles in the United States, Reuters r ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-02
Faraday Future (FF), of which Chinese billionaire Jia Yueting is a key investor, has unveiled its first electric car, saying it will deliver the new vehicle -- the FF91 -- in 2018. The firm has opened ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-11
隔晚美股3大指數個別發展,道指繼續在20000點心理關口前窒步,而在科技股帶動下,納斯特指數再創新高,周一收報 ...全文
樂視同系的美國電動車製造商Faraday Future(下稱FF)上周終發布首款量產電動車「FF 91」兼接受 ...全文
聖誕節前夕,樂視香港再傳出裁員的壞消息。樂視香港周五(23日)向多名員工派「大信封」,有報道指涉及60人。樂視 ...全文
樂視財務告急之際,創辦人賈躍亭大打人情牌, 向長江商學院MBA的舊同學籌得6億美元。不過,其中兩間被點名有份出 ...全文
近期一直遭質疑資金出現問題的樂視,其創辦人兼董事長賈躍亭終開腔承認「樂視缺錢其實是行業公開秘密」,他又指是在兩 ...全文
樂視在美國舉行大型發布會,宣布電視、手機及VR(虛擬實境)等產品進軍美國市場。至於外界向來關注的樂視超級汽車( ...全文