... 會推出新的iPad和MacBook,但會推出新工具,讓兩個iPhone用戶共享AR擴增實景體驗,並會針對用戶沉 ...全文
A component failure in a limited number of MacBook Pros has caused the built-in battery to expand, Apple Inc. said. It has offer worldwide free replacement for such batteries worldwide, Reuters report ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-23
... top-tier MacBook Pro and iMac Pro have ARM-based co-processors. It is highly likely that Apple will introduce such co-processors in Mac product updates. The deployment of ARM-based chips would also ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-04
... 3吋的Retina Macbook。市場亦傳蘋果將推出協助開發者打造教育工具的ClassKit。蘋果的春季發布 ...全文
... cted that MacBook shipments will grow 13 to 16 percent in 2018, significantly ahead of projected growth for the iPhone (4 to 6 percent) and iPad (7 to 10 percent). MacBook shipments are tipped to grow ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-20
用TouchBar觸控欄取代以往鍵盤上的功能鍵,是蘋果(Apple)旗下第四代MacBook Pro的一個重大 ...全文
... s Apple’s MacBook and DJI drones. It plans to expand its services to electrical appliances such as robots and smart home devices. According to figures from the China Academy of Information and Communi ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-29
... 列手機,還可維修蘋果MacBook和大疆無人機,日後將涉足機械人、智能家居等領域。 每日訂單超過2000宗 國 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月29日
... ment, the MacBook maker has continued to enjoy ultra-low tax rates on most of its profits and now holds much of its non-US earnings in a US$252 billion mountain of cash offshore,” ICIJ reported. Apple ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-08
... 即可,用戶身份在激活MacBook Pro、輕按右上角的指紋辨識鍵時已獲確認。電算力的躍升,造就了雲端王Ama ...全文
... 蘋果Mac桌面電腦及MacBook筆記簿型電腦均設有專業(pro)版本,平板電腦專業版iPad Pro亦於20 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月18日
... .9吋兩款選擇。 在MacBook Pro方面,蘋果推出13吋和15吋兩個機種,支援Touch ID指紋辨識解 ...全文
... 周年大會上公布3款新MacBook手提電腦,抗衡微軟新品,同時彌補iPad的衰落。新版MacBook Pro據 ...全文
... pple Lisa及MacBook。1995年,泰勒更建立了AltaVista搜尋引擎,比Google成立還要 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年04月19日