
共 254 個結果
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Three in five parents send children to summer classes: survey

Parents are being urged to cut their children some slack after a survey showed that pupils spend a significant amount of time attending summer classes. More than 60 percent of parents arrange for thei ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-25

US consumer confidence hits 16-year high

... uction in slack in the labor market, which is near full employment. The dollar rose against a basket of currencies, while prices for US government bonds fell slightly. Stocks on Wall Street were tradi ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-29

Thailand benefits from mainlanders’ boycott of South Korea

... p for the slack in mainland tourists. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC/RA ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-16

A good nanny but a bad housewife

...  cut some slack for Lam in her first off-duty week. But going forward, we'll expect a more sensible candidate in the Year of Rooster, the year when Lam will also turn 60. -- Contact us at english@hke ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-23


... rtups用家歡迎的Slack。與LinkedIn大不同,這類企業社交媒體平台,主要為單一企業或團隊的成員及客 ...全文


Airbus slashes A380 production plans

...  owing to slack demand. Airbus in July had to concede the outlook for the A380 was darkening when it cut production plans to just 12 A380s planes a year starting in 2018, down from the 27 it built las ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-28

TPP may continue but in different form, US consul general says

... ck up the slack to harvest some of the fruits of the previous work. APEC's objective is to create an open trade environment in Asia Pacific that will benefit all trading and investing economies in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

Sorry, Mr. Xi, you can’t absolve yourself of blame for HK woes

... was “very slack”, it said. Wang Guangya (王光亞), director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, was quoted as saying that he accepted all the criticisms and would reflect deeply on himself and how ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-01

John Tsang quotes Shakespeare to underscore his dilemma

...  bit of a slacker" in his almost 10 years as financial secretary. Ip's broadsides also hit Tsang's mentor, the former chief executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, accusing him of delaying action on pressing ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-31


... 速冒起的初創科技公司Slack等對手競爭。 月費較對手便宜 Workplace跟fb一樣有即時通訊和動態消息更 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月12日

Belt and Road: Opportunities and risks

... hesitant, slack or weak will never catch the opportunities. Only those who grow with the times will have a bright future”. The Belt and Road initiative spans more than 60 nations, with a combined popu ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-09

No room to slack in face of Zika threat

The Hong Kong government issued an outbound travel alert (OTA) on Singapore on Sept. 2, urging citizens who are planning to visit the country to stay vigilant amid an increase in Zika infections. Preg ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-06


... 提勞工市場可能回軟(slack),及低工資增長引致低通脹等常見問題來推測,聯儲局對於加息的門檻實在已經降低。 ...全文



... 提勞工市場可能回軟(slack),及低工資增長引致低通脹等常見問題來推測,聯儲局對於加息的門檻實在已經降低。 ...全文


How Tokyo is going to manage the Olympic Games 2020 differently

... ks up the slack and bears the lion’s share of the cost. But, again, because of limited resources and expertise, to say nothing of venality, city governments are not well positioned to control costs. ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-16

Tackling the turf war between SFC and HKEx

... l allow a slack listing approval process in its pursuit of listing fees and bigger profits. Whether such accusation holds remains controversial. Being a commercial organization, HKEx could be credited ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-15

Women get a scare as elevator plunges at Tai Wai estate

...  of being slack in dealing with elevator maintenance issues. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/DY/RC ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

The young are marching into politics as the elders foul up

... m becomes slack with the total lack of discipline. And so is the top leader when it comes to his personal integrity. One can only lament how quickly Hong Kong, once a role model in upholding rules and ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-15


... 隊,創辦企業訊息平台Slack;在在都顯示出谷歌團隊的非凡實力。 無論此等創新企業對谷歌的戰略來說有否直接關係 ...全文



... 間,辦公交流應用公司Slack在8個月之後,公司估值就上漲到10億美元。鋼鐵人Tesla股東的收益率高達132 ...全文


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