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美國得州早前大停電,居民叫苦連天。當地初創Bluetti針對市場,推出UPS家庭備用電源EP500,外形如一台 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年03月04日

We need a budget that responds to the angst of HK’s youth

... and start-ups in the region, in nudging them to expand their operations and establish tenable career “ladders” in the Greater Bay Area. Quotas and affirmative action for Hong Kong youth, as well as su ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-03

Deep tech: The silver bullet to humanity’s problems

... eir start-ups and spin-off companies. If the companies are successful in the later stages of development, they will also receive assistance in securing co-investors, to help them deliver more ambitiou ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-19


... 3365美元。 帶挈UPS日送貨量多11% 展望今年,亞馬遜料首季收入將達到1000億至1060億美元,按年進 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年02月04日

網購交易量激增 UPS上季收入升逾兩成

聯合包裹(UPS)公布,截至去年12月底止季度,收入按年升21%,至249億元(美元‧下同),但退休金撥款拖累 ...全文


道指收市飆475點 GameStop瀉六成

... 發布業績的聯合包裹(UPS)盈利勝預期,股價彈2.58%,石油巨擘埃克森美孚受去年油價走低和頁岩氣資產減值拖累 ...全文


散戶軍團休兵 道指曾飆逾六百

... 發布業績的聯合包裹(UPS)盈利勝預期,股價收市彈2.58%,石油巨擘埃克森美孚受去年油價走低和頁岩氣資產減值 ...全文


Dare-to-try spirit is key to FinTech hub

... tner with ups to test new technology, thereby enhancing the overall technological level of local financial and banking industry. Each approved project is entitled to a one-off subsidy of up to HK$100, ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-01

聯合包裹62億蝕賣UPS Freight

聯合包裹(UPS)周一公布,把旗下的貨物運輸公司UPS Freight,以8億美元(約62.4億港元)售予美國 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2021年01月26日

Israel’s “Operation Back to Life”

... ded start-ups and drive-through testing centers to telemedicine and vaccine research. Israel now boasts the highest per capita vaccination rate of any country in the world, outpacing all others by far ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-20


... book和聯合包裹(UPS)。也有企業表明停止向拒絕確認拜登當選的共和黨人捐款,包括亞馬遜、Comcast、通 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年01月13日

A fairer way to help developing economies decarbonize

... ebt build-ups to morph into a full-blown developing-country debt crisis over the next couple of years, making decarbonization even more difficult. Global carbon pricing is an essential part of any lon ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-07

As world says good riddance to 2020, China hails its new status

... and cover-ups made possible the spread of the virus around the world. China’s new status is in line with the latest projection by the Center for Economics and Business Research in the United Kingdom, ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-07

As world says good riddance to 2020, China hails its new status

... and cover-ups made possible the spread of the virus aro ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2021年01月07日

Fast and slow in “The Queen’s Gambit”

... ,000 sign-ups per day in the wake of the Netflix series. Play Magnus Group, a chess-focused technology firm founded by current world champion Magnus Carlsen, recently conducted an IPO that valued the ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-04

香港眼科視光學之父胡志城 驅走心靈黑暗

... 人係咁,人生經歷很多ups and downs,慢慢會有經驗處理這些情緒。」 缺乏眼科保健教育 胡教授的父親是 ...全文


物流航企升呢 應付疫苗運送重任

... 、DHL、聯合包裹(UPS)、聯邦快遞(FedEx)等,它們過去半年來要升級或增加貨車、貨倉、貨物狀態監察系統 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 嚴陣以待2020年12月19日


... edEx及聯合包裹(UPS)的員工在風雪中運送疫苗到各地。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global新冠肺炎2020年12月19日

莫德勒新冠疫苗倘獲批 首批600萬劑

... 5個地點,聯合包裹(UPS)與聯邦快遞(FedEx)負責最後一程運輸工作。莫德勒首批疫苗數量較輝瑞290萬劑為 ...全文



... 運送疫苗的聯合包裹(UPS)主管Kate Gutmann表示,運送過程較預期暢順,部分疫苗提前到達指定地點。 ...全文


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