
共 2218 個結果
頁數:1...103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

官媒唱淡損氣氛 恒指勉強彈一彈

... 7元,抽升4.5%;招金礦業(01818)收報6.98元,上漲1.7%。   ...全文


港股失21000關 夜期續瀉

港股昨日在假期後復市,踏入5月份首個交易日,似乎先行應驗「五窮月」的魔咒。恒指急跌390點,接連失守21000 ...全文



建制派發聲促特區政府用本地法律控告港獨人士,討論了一段時間也無從入手,內地官媒按捺不住,《人民日報》海外版最近 ...全文


PPI見底 資源股發威

內地3月工業生產者出廠價格指數(PPI)兩年來首見按月回升,刺激周一A股彈逾1.6%,國企指數升1.2%。工廠 ...全文


美加息機會高 第二季再動盪

... %,為最大跌幅板塊。招金礦業(01818)劇跌近8%,中國黃金國際(02099)瀉逾7.6%,紫金礦業(028 ...全文


息魔退港股彈 深創板飆6%

... 00805)彈9%;招金礦業(01818)漲6.7%,紫金礦業(02899)升3.7%。另外,業績佳的舜宇光學 ...全文



... 斯1260美元水平;招金礦業(01818)收市彈6.7%;中國黃金國際(02099)漲2.7%;紫金礦業(02 ...全文



❶大市/指數表現 港股連跌4日後,周五終於顯著反彈,成交亦自上日的年初至今低位回升。歐洲央行隔晚宣布推出了一籃 ...全文


等歐美發功 好淡齊失蹤

... 99)齊挫6.4%,招金礦業(01818)錄得5.2%跌幅,靈寶黃金(03330)跌3.6%。國際資源(010 ...全文


炒資源股 「有智慧不如趁勢」

... 金礦股表現繼續優異,招金礦業(01818)上周累升11.3%,兼曾創52周新高;紫金礦業(02899)上周亦累 ...全文



... 表現最佳板塊。當中,招金礦業(01818)曾見6.98元逾兩年高,收市急升5.2%;紫金礦業(02899)彈4 ...全文


Gold business loses its glitter

A year after a monumental double-digit freefall in prices over two days in 2013, the Chinese are no longer so crazy about gold. A 28 percent slide in the yellow metal last year has also left many comp ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-28

Zhaojin Mining cuts spending after sharp profit drop, SCMP says

Zhaojin Mining Industry has cut spending on capacity expansion this year and turned more cautious on acquisitions after posting a worse-than-expected 61.8 per cent net profit drop for last year, the S ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-25

Ukraine fallout hits HSI but wind plays power on

Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) tumbled Monday and the Russian stock market gave up as much as 9 percent at one point as tension in Ukraine rattled investors. The HSI shed 336 points, or 1 ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-03

Zhaojin spurt drives miner to 20% weekly gain

Zhaojin Mining Industry (01818.HK) climbed 6.5 percent Friday and closed the week with a gain of nearly 20 percent as Hong Kong stocks rose in relatively flat trading. Other gold miners had a similarl ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-14

Gold shines on record consumption, drives indices higher

Hong Kong stocks surged Tuesday, following gains in mainland indices, as spot gold rose a fifth straight day to a record US$1,287.81 an ounce. The Hang Sang Index added 1.78 percent to 21,962 points. ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-11

POLICY WATCH: Putting a new shine on gold trade

China is on course to surpass India as the world's largest gold consumer as Beijing prepares to ease the rules for firms to import and export gold and also make it easier for individuals to buy the ye ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-07

Gold miners hit as the metal's safe-haven allure fades

A congressional standoff over budget issues has led to a partial shutdown of the US government for the first time in 17 years, but the news failed to boost gold prices as investors are betting that th ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-02

頁數:1...103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

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