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WANG ON GROUP(01222) 財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - [年報]

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 二零二二年年報(10MB, pdf) ...全文


【盤房來料】內房產業危機不解決 中國恐陷經濟衰退

美股繼續走強,喺美國基金現金水平偏高下,美股反彈毫無障礙,加上長債回落,市場資金再度risk on,可惜港股又 ...全文


Amazon expands further into healthcare via One Medical deal

Amazon will acquire the primary care organization One Medical in a all-cash transaction valued roughly at US$3.9 billion, the Seattle-based e-commerce giant said Thursday. One Medical offers both virt ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-22

Why Sri Lanka imploded

As Sri Lanka’s economy unravels before our eyes, one must ask how this could happen in a country that is historically known for its high standard of living and stable economy. Sri Lanka’s achievements ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-22

The problem with the current Russia sanctions regime

It has been five months since Europe and the United States imposed tough economic and financial sanctions on Russia, a G20 country that was the world’s eleventh-largest economy on the eve of its invas ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-22

【盤房來料】大市氣氛差 買賣兩閒成交縮

美股隔晚保持升勢,市場繼續risk on,納指跑贏升逾1%,但金龍中國指數逆市跌,港股噚日裂口高開反彈之後,今 ...全文


The world needs a digital lifeline

In periods of crisis, digital technologies provide a lifeline that keeps people, communities, and businesses functioning. From the COVID-19 pandemic to violent conflicts and natural disasters, being c ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-21

Mr. Brightside

... cancellations, hotel cancellations, rebookings after a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年07月21日

Is the US in recession?

On July 28, the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) will release its advance estimate of second-quarter GDP growth. The impending announcement has observers on the edge of their seats, wit ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-20

Cryptocurrency and geopolitics

Over the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of giving a few talks and addresses on the intersection of cryptocurrency and geopolitics – at Oxford, in Hong Kong (over zoom), and other platforms. As ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-20


... ade more money than God this year)。 歐美加稅來由 無獨有偶,英國政府已於5 ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下趙耀華 趙就琦2022年07月20日

Mr. Brightside

And so – I made it! Managed to scramble (stumble) through the plethora of hurdles that stood between me and home – after flight cancellations, hotel cancellations, rebookings after a chase madder than ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19

Take me to your leader…

The most accurate description I have ever heard of a leader, is the person who knows what to do in a given situation. On an ad hoc basis, this invariably proves to be correct. But when talking about s ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19

The health code must not perpetuate COVID-stigma

The recent proposal of the health color code seems to jolt many Hongkongers out of their COVID-induced stupor. Since April, our minds have been saturated by daily and repetitive COVID news. Many were ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19


... 大法官索托馬約爾(Sonia Sotomayor)也是如此。但9位大法官中有5位堅持天主教的極端保守路線,認為 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2022年07月18日

No net zero without nature

Businesses, investors, and governments that are serious about fulfilling net-zero emissions pledges before 2050 should be rushing to protect, conserve, and regenerate the natural resources and ecosyst ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-18

U.S. Supreme Court turns clock back 50 years

On June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, by six to three, to ban the right to abortion by overturning a law passed by the same court in 1973, known as Roe vs. Wade. This ruling has profound significa ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-18

Five new business ideas

In the face of a sluggish global economy, Hong Kong also experiences a slowdown, but this may offer a golden opportunity to start a business. The cost of starting a business has decreased, which toget ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-18


咸美頓(Alexander Hamilton)1790年發表的Report on Public Credit, ...全文


It's high time to end Hong Kong’s quarantine inanities

For the love of Hong Kong, for the love of the rest of the country, it is high time that we put an end, once and for all, the quarantine inanities that are effectively killing – if they haven’t alread ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

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