... 382)挫3.2%,比亞迪電子(00285)大跌6.3%。 第一上海首席策略師葉尚志認為,美國總統選情搖擺、北 ...全文
... 15元,升3.4%;比亞迪電子(00285)再抽升5.6%,收報6元。 升市走向有跡可尋 藍籌內需股普遍偏軟, ...全文
... ,曾是基金追捧對象的比亞迪電子(00285),股價仍在近9個月低位橫行,未見起色,是炒落後對象之一。 比亞迪電 ...全文
... 8)飆升13.7%,比亞迪電子(00285)上揚3.1%。 金隅股份(02009)控股股東擬與唐山政府合作,股 ...全文
... 曾是行業首選的基金股比亞迪電子(00285)將是明日之「升」。 除通達外,另一手機概念股舜宇光學(02382) ...全文
Tongda Group Holdings Ltd. (00698.HK) expects to become the second largest mobile parts maker by market capitalization after a recent surge in the stock, according to its chairman. Wang Yanan said the ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-26
BYD Co. Ltd. (1211.HK) expects exponential growth in sales of its new-energy vehicles, particularly the plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV), this year, chairman and president Wang Chuanfu said. At a post-re ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-30
The Hong Kong stock market failed to recoup the 600-plus points it lost on Tuesday, even after markets overseas steadied overnight. The Hong Kong benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) rebounded more than 20 ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-05
A number of family-operated small factories in Shenzhen are getting big-company treatment from United States chipmaker Intel. These factories make keyboards, adaptors and other accessories that go int ...More
EJ Insight2013-12-18
The Hong Kong stock market had a choppy trading session Thursday, with the benchmark Hang Seng Index falling as much as 165 points before making up some of the losses to end the day 16 points, or 0.07 ...More
EJ Insight2013-12-05