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錄音揭露 沙地記者遭活生生肢解
「殺手小組」或與王儲密切 使館行刑法醫操刀

... 入領事館後,其佩戴的Apple Watch記錄到疑似遇害的血腥細節。知情人士稱,卡舒吉被拖入房,然後活生生在桌 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月18日

卡舒吉傳遭活生生肢解 過程長達7分鐘

... ,卡舒吉生前所佩戴的Apple Watch錄下其遇害過程的聲音檔案,聽到卡舒吉被人從總領事館辦公室拖到隔壁房間 ...全文


Apple Maps疑開發街景圖

... witter貼上一批Apple Maps工作人員的絕密照片。據悉,拍攝地點位於美國三藩市,該人員揹着一個黑色背 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月16日


... 教育不再A for Apple而是Astronaut的時候,小心不要養出Phantom,或自以為是可以為所欲為 ...全文



根據美國新聞網站Axios引述消息人士報道,蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)已收購音樂分析引擎初創Asaii, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月16日

Lam says govt to consider banning tobacco after e-cigarettes

... c health, Apple Daily reports. Her latest remarks were an apparent about-face. Lam said on Wednesday it was not proper to abruptly ban a long-existing commercial activity, referring to the sale of tra ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-12

Apple gets key iPhone technology in US$600 million Dialog deal

Apple Inc. is taking control over the power-management technology at the heart of its iPhones in a US$600 million deal with Dialog Semiconductor, Reuters reports. The agreement to license technology a ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-12

Alipay says stolen Apple IDs behind thefts of users' money

Ant Financial’s Alipay, the operator of one of China’s top two mobile payment apps, said hackers have taken an unknown amount of money from accounts using stolen Apple Inc. IDs, Reuters reports. Alipa ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-12

Can Google Pixel 3 take on other Android flagships?

Google has been trying to challenge Apple and Samsung in the smartphone market but never really succeeded in taking the business to a scale sufficient enough to make it a significant player in the seg ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-11

WhatsApp says it has fixed video call security bug

... ations on Apple and Android smartphones, was discovered in late August and was fixed by Facebook in early October. “We routinely engage with security researchers from around the world to ensure WhatsA ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-11

Two men dead in Sham Shui Po 'murder, arson, suicide'

... ording to Apple Daily, Chu apparently killed Zhou and set the flat on fire before jumping to his death. Sources told the newspaper that Chu, who had been living in a cubicle next to Zhou since April l ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10

Google unveils new Pixel phones, tablet

... s such as Apple and Amazon in the hardware segment. At an event in New York, the firm showed off the Pixel 3 phone, priced at US$799, and a larger Pixel 3 XL, priced at US$899, representing the third ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10


自從二十年前聽過幼稚園學生學ABC,再不是A for apple,B for boy,C for cat,而是 ...全文


Why the China 'spy chip' report is not totally convincing

... including Apple and Amazon as well as the Department of Homeland Security and Central Intelligence Agency, according to the report. The tiny chip is said to enable Chinese hackers to steal commercial, ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-08

HK-born tech entrepreneur David Lee slam-dunks with HomeCourt

When Apple introduced iPhone XS and iPhone XR during an event in September, the company also brought to the stage former NBA star point guard Steve Nash and David Lee, CEO and co-founder of HomeCourt ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-08

Apple tells US Congress it found no signs of hacking attack

Apple Inc.’s top security officer told the US Congress that it had found no sign of suspicious transmissions or other evidence that it had been penetrated in a sophisticated attack on its supply chain ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-08

港股不敵道指 黃金時代終結

... 交量有極大分別,難以apple to apple比較,惟若細看箇中原因,自可察覺反常情境的背後意味深遠,港股被 ...全文


Is Tencent Music's business model sustainable?

... otify and Apple Music, the company is quite different from the two foreign players in terms of business model. Tencent Music is more of a social platform than a music streaming service. Most Chinese m ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-05

Volvo XC60 T5 全新SUV一門三傑

... ;另備有獲授權裝置的Apple CarPlay及Andriod Auto,輕鬆連結智能手機及使用內置軟體,又或 ...全文



... 有偶,蘋果公司亦擴大Apple Business Chat的業務規模,昨天宣布在美國及海外地區,增加15間合作 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月04日

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