... products, Apple Daily reports. The move came after an SMA patient asked Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor in October last year to allow the importation of Spinraza, which had been approved by ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-03
... any after Apple to cross US$1 trillion in market value last month, currently pays around US$11 per hour. Analysts said the raise would cost it US$1 billion or less annually but would be offset by a re ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-03
瑞信推出Apple Business Chat服務,於新加坡及香港開戶及使用其數碼私人銀行服務的客戶,可透過i ...全文
... X系列三款新手機和Apple Watch Series 4,而在10月的發布會上則將發布新iPad Pro。 ...全文
... e is that Apple and Samsung fans, in particular, find the latest models too expensive. Apple’s iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max cost HK$8,599 to HK$12,499, while the price range for Samsung's Galaxy Note 9 ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-27
美國晶片生產商高通(Qualcomm)與蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)在國際專利權訴訟再添戲碼。日前高通向美 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月27日
Qualcomm on Tuesday accused Apple of stealing its chip-making secrets and giving them to rival Intel Corp, paving the way for Apple to switch to Intel’s improved semiconductors. The suspected theft of ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-26
... 10月才開售。另外,Apple Watch系列4亦於周五開賣。 英國當地周五早上約6時,倫敦一間蘋果旗艦店外約 ...全文
... ,2014年打入蘋果Apple Watch無線充電供應鏈,業務現時隨無線充電業務外,還包括AirPods组裝、 ...全文
... 分市民都擁有信用卡、Apple Pay和八達通,甚至不少人亦有使用TnG、支付寶等支付工具,為何仍然未能普及「 ...全文
... 10%關稅,而蘋果的Apple Watch和AirPods獲豁免被納入徵稅清單,暫時躲過威脅。 庫克稱,iPh ...全文
... 加徵關稅,蘋果公司的Apple Watch和Air Pods免被納入徵稅清單,暫時躲過威脅,不過,分析認為蘋果 ...全文
... 是次已豁免蘋果公司的Apple Watch及AirPods等產品。至於把稀土自清單中剔除,可見中國作為全球最大 ...全文
... 科技等相關項目,例如Apple的Siri、開發AlphaGo的DeepMind、VIV等等。 周凱旋指出,現今 ...全文
With Apple unveiling its latest smartphones at its annual product event last week, we can now pose this question: of the three new iPhones, which will emerge as the bigger winner in the marketplace? B ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-18
... 措施將豁免蘋果公司的Apple Watch及Airpod等產品。 該官員指出,最終徵稅產品清單中,並不包括許多 ...全文
... ches from Apple and Fitbit and items such as bicycle helmets and baby car seats, in the new round of tariffs, Reuters reports. Unveiling the new duties, Trump warned that if China takes retaliatory ac ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-18
外電引述消息人士稱,美國總統特朗普政府即將公布的新一輪向中國貨加徵關稅清單,將不包括蘋果Apple Watch ...全文