... 時間,連半夜餘閒也做Uber司機,月賺多6000餘元,目標是賺錢裝修新屋兼租舖開實體店。 做司機賺錢裝修新居 ...全文
... ,包括200美元免費Uber召車接送服務。 白金卡本身也會升級,質料較堅硬,手感近似金屬,令人聯想到美國運通最 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月07日
英國《金融時報》報道,召車軟件Uber近日爆出連串醜聞後,員工出現跳槽潮,紛紛對管理層失去信心,質疑手上股票期 ...全文
Uber Technologies has confirmed that it used a secret tool for many years to avoid authorities in markets where its ride hailing service faced resistance or was banned. The company admitted that it de ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-06
召車軟件Uber行政總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)【圖】周二被踢爆曾與旗下一名司機爭吵,因為該 ...全文
... 和的士司機將會失業,Uber和Lyft等「Call車App」的司機也將難以幸免。此外,自動駕駛據說可以減少九成 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2017年03月02日
... 計劃涉足壽險市場。 Uber早前宣布,已與美亞保險香港(AIG)合作, 對方將提供團體汽車共乘(ride-sh ...全文
Uber工程部高級副總裁辛哈爾(Amit Singhal)上任一個月便被要求離職,因為公司發現他在Google ...全文
... ty of the uber-rich owners of private yachts and jets put him in the invidious position of being beholden to them, never a wise course for a man wielding the influence of Hong Kong’s chief executive. ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-28
Google母公司Alphabet旗下自駕車業務Waymo周四入稟法院,控告召車軟件Uber(優步)及其自駕貨 ...全文
手機召車程式Uber(優步)與的士業界的戰爭,可說沒完沒了;Uber日前宣布,成功獲一間本地保險公司提供第三者 ...全文
Singapore, a keen early adopter of the sharing economy, has fired a warning shot across the bow of Airbnb and Uber with tighter rules that could shake up their business models and growth ambitions in ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-24
... 張駕者有其車,在引入Uber的優質汽車服務、增加競爭的同時,應該增發的士牌照,只限的士司機個人買入,打破壟斷, ...全文
手機召車程式Uber(優步)的意外賠償責任問題,一直備受關注。Uber香港昨天宣布,美國國際集團(AIG)旗下 ...全文
... sted five Uber drivers in a high-profile crackdown on unlicensed transport services in Hong Kong, although it had earlier endorsed the car-hailing app as a “success story”. -- Contact us at english@hk ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-23
召車軟件Uber(優步)行政總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)宣布,就前女工程師表示在公司內遭性騷 ...全文