
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 ...150

Survey points to a scaling back of bets on emerging market gains

Most financial market credit officers surveyed by the US Federal Reserve in November said their big clients were exposed to emerging markets but were scaling back bets emerging market assets would ris ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-28


法國建築集團Vinci宣布,斥資29億英鎊(288.6億港元),購入英國倫敦格域機場(Gatwick Airp ...全文


Ardon Maroon遭證監譴責罰款80萬

Ardon Maroon Fund Management (Hong Kong) Limited(現稱Chin ...全文


Tencent leads funding round for online tutoring firm Yuanfudao

Capitalizing on the emerging trend of online education in China, Yuanfudao, a startup that provides live courses and tutoring through a digital platform, has raised US$300 million in a funding round l ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-27

資金流向單一 閃崩風險大增

美國及全球股市本季大跌,焦點都放在經濟可能放緩、聯儲局不斷加息,以及美國政局混亂等因素,但市場人士指出,以電腦 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月27日


I.T(00999)宣布,以代價4.86億瑞典克朗(約4.23億港元),收購Acne Studios的10.9 ...全文


「黃背心」教訓 增稅減排須公平

本年度聯合國氣候大會早前於波蘭卡托維治結束,成功就《巴黎協定》的執行指引(Implementation Gui ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點周澄2018年12月22日

主攻非儲蓄單 每月低至百元計

保監局昨天批出首個經快速通道(Fast Track)申請的全網上保險公司牌照,由Bowtie(保泰人壽保險)奪 ...全文


寵物矜貴 「錢景」秀麗

12月20日,周四。老畢早前出席一個以IoT為主題的初創活動,七家得獎公司中,有兩家打BB主意,一間利用一隻裝 ...全文



保監局宣布,批出首個經快速通道取得全網上保險公司牌照。同時,Bowtie(保泰人壽保險)宣布成為首間獲發牌的全 ...全文


2019 won't be to everyone's taste

The party is coming to an end. For 10 years, central banks fueled the good times with a combination of low interest rates and quantitative easing to boost the global economy following the financial cr ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-20

蒼南重啟招股 入場費3818元

今年中旬受累市況波動而延遲上市的燃氣流量計製造商蒼南儀錶(01743)捲土重來,惟集資額大削最多超過七成。另據 ...全文


【新股追蹤】蒼南儀錶招股 入場費3818元

內地工業及商用燃氣流量計製造商蒼南儀錶(01743)今日起至下周四(27日)中午招股,每股招股價13.5元至1 ...全文


How much will 5G cost us?

Fifth-generation mobile services are witnessing gradual rollout in some markets in the world. A look at the current offerings will give us some clues as to how much we, as consumers, might end up payi ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

Harnessing the digital revolution for sustainable development

  Financial digitalization – the digital revolution’s system-level transformation of the entire financial ecosystem – could catalyze global efforts to finance sustainable development. According to the ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

The story behind Gold-Finance's downfall

Wei Jie was once the poster child for young and successful real estate developers focused on the country's smaller cities. His company once boasted a contract value of more than 570 billion yuan (US$8 ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

Malaysia files charges against Goldman Sachs over 1MDB scandal

Malaysia has filed criminal charges at home against Goldman Sachs and two of the US bank’s former employees in connection with a corruption and money laundering probe at state fund 1MDB, Reuters repor ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-17

Unlocking public wealth

After World War I ended, Havana emerged as one of the world’s most vibrant cities. During the first half of 1920, rising sugar prices and a favorable global environment meant that credit and finance w ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-17

Pokémon Go開發商再融資15.6億

外電引述消息報道,手機遊戲《Pokémon Go》開發商Niantic進行新一輪融資,規模2億美元(約15.6 ...全文


As dark clouds loom over economy, how should HK respond?

The Sino-US trade war has cast a cloud over the global economy, bringing many uncertainties. As an international trade and financial hub, Hong Kong is at the receiving end of some pressure, with the t ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-14

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