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... 樂平台均可播放,包括Apple Music、PANDORA、Spotify Google Play等,最高可以 ...全文


Apple acquires US startup focused on lenses for AR glasses

Apple has acquired a small startup focused on making lenses for augmented reality glasses, fueling speculation that the US tech giant could be stepping up efforts to roll out an AR headset. Terms of t ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-30


... 落成位於該集團新總部Apple Park內的「喬布斯演講廳」(Steve Jobs Theater),蘋果已取 ...全文


White House probes Google after Trump accuses it of bias

... be joined Apple Inc. and Facebook in removing some content from Infowars, a website run by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Jones was also temporarily suspended on Twitter. -- Contact us at english@hke ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-29

與君一席話 啟發一個Trade

... 老畢並非「果粉」,對Apple下月發布的新iPhone有何特點所知不多,但從蘋果股價周線圖可見,該股於上升趨勢 ...全文


Will Apple's upcoming iPhones prove a big hit?

After Samsung launched its Galaxy Note 9 flagship device earlier this month, smartphone and gadget fans are now turning their attention to Apple, waiting to see what the US tech giant will unveil in i ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-28

Mainlander hurt in knife attack at Andy Lau concert ticket line

... ong, told Apple Daily that when he saw two men in black shirts approach the queue, he immediately left his spot because he had been told to leave by a stranger several days earlier.  But as he was lea ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-27

OneCHARGE aims to help boost HK's EV-related infrastructure

... g fee via Apple Pay, Google Pay or credit card. Alipay, TNG Wallet, and other e-wallets will likely be accepted as payment options in the future. In the initial stage of the launch, about HK$33 in fee ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-27

受惠於倫敦Crossrail鐵路效應 The Silk District載譽歸來 本週加推全新一期

... ok、Google及Apple等紛紛在倫敦成立辦公室,吸引年輕專業人士到此工作,這批租務市場年輕生力軍就業資歷 ...全文


手機App操控 落戶數碼港

... 按停止充電鍵,再透過Apple Pay、Google Pay或信用卡(稍後亦會加入支付寶、TNG Wallet ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月27日


「Apple in my eyes」是西方的一句諺語。誰是你眼中的蘋果,誰就是你最珍惜,最珍貴的人。 我家也有 ...全文



... 為蘋果銷售的功臣。 Apple已創下第一個萬億美元市值,那麼下一個萬億美元在哪裏?服務、AR與Apple Ca ...全文


Xiaomi unveils new brand to pursue global expansion

... inated by Apple and Samsung for a long time. The new Pocophone F1 is being marketed as a foreign version of the Mi 8, equipped with the same specifications such as Qualcomm's Snapdragon 845 platform, ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-23


... 能講什麼故事?當然是Apple Car及AR。 編按:林二汶專欄暫停,老占代筆。   ...全文



... hone、較大屏幕的Apple Watch,以及全新iPad專業版。 Mac機銷量一向穩定,在上個財政年度佔蘋 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年08月22日


... iPhone,大屏幕Apple Watch,以及全新iPad Pro。 ...全文


【EJFQ信析】龍頭科企漸失寵 大鱷翻撻能源股

... 「雙A」,蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)獲增持247萬股,至4582萬股;同時吸納亞馬遜(Amazon)約3 ...全文


龍頭科企漸失寵 大鱷翻撻能源股

... 「雙A」,蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)獲增持247萬股,至4582萬股;同時吸納亞馬遜(Amazon)約3 ...全文


Apple removes illegal lottery apps from China store

Apple Inc. says it has pulled illegal lottery apps from its App Store in China amid tightening regulation and a barrage of criticism from state media, Reuters reports. According to state media, the co ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-20

How App Store changed the software industry

Apple’s founder Steve Jobs said: “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You h ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-20

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