... leader, a meta-narrative to plug the vacuum left open b ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2020年10月06日
... leader, a meta-narrative to plug the vacuum left open by the past decades of events. Trump’s ascent four years ago wasn’t an accident, and shouldn’t really have, with benefit of hindsight, shocked us; ...More
EJ Insight2020-10-05
英國殿堂級音響品牌KEF宣布推出「LS50 系列」之全新產品,分別為「LS50 Meta」書架式揚聲器及「LS ...全文
... also for meta- and meso-considerations. At the meta- level, Chinese policymakers are dealing with what the father of the country’s nuclear program, Qian Xuesen, called an “open complex giant system.” ...More
EJ Insight2020-09-30
... ivitis: a meta-analysis. Ophthalmology 2013 Nov; 120(11 ...全文
今日信報副刊文化視力健康徐守熙醫生 甘嘉維醫生 楊樂旼教授2020年06月01日
... ),二是大成教練學(Meta-Coaching),三是Maslow的人本心理學。系統整全學說中心的方法論(me ...全文
... eview and Meta-analysis, Ocular Immunology and Inflamma ...全文
... ing). -- Meta-analyses attempting to verify and sum up findings from various research studies by using statistical methods find evidence of publication bias in the related literature. Publication bia ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-13
... 研究,進行整合分析(Meta-analysis),分析結果進一步證實了他們的研究發現。 無獨有偶,今年9月刊登 ...全文
... thods for Meta-analysis),這套統計法可用於教育和醫學等多個範疇。在教育方面,能協助決策 ...全文
... ture Tbk (META IJ)之額外權益,持股量增至77.94%。 集團現價市盈率約17.747倍,周息 ...全文
... f Zorlu’s Meta Nikel nickel-cobalt factory, Yungul said, adding the move would increase capacity from 10,000 tons to 40,000 tons. Yungul said the partnership with GSR Capital, to begin this year, will ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-26
... 個案)進行薈萃分析(meta-analysis),有以下結果。 社會關係是指個人在與家庭成員、親戚朋友、鄰里之 ...全文
... 間,並可從後設位置(Meta-position) 更全面和長遠地看事物。 框架重整分類和運用 框架重整可分為兩 ...全文
今日信報副刊文化教育講論龍精亮博士 莫慕貞教授2017年12月29日
... h its own meta-analysis of all of the science related to the 1.5°C target, in what promises to be the most comprehensive summary of such research. But we cannot afford to wait for that analysis before ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-24