
共 2684 個結果
頁數:1...113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 ...135

Channeling China's animal spirits

... hina move beyond its role as the world’s factory to develop its own version of the Internet of Things, driven by platform companies like Alibaba and Tencent. Some 14.3 million new stock-market trading ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-27

Why China can avoid the middle income trap

... ined even beyond the collapse of global trade in the wake of the Great Recession in the West. This is not to ignore the risks to China's growth in the current cycle. Along with structural rebalancing ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-26

Like Abe, Communist Party refuses to face its past

... er causes beyond the reach of man. Yang’s book is banned on the mainland. Most people have no idea what happened. Many of those who lived through it do not wish or fear to talk about it. Another "blan ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-26

Will more mainland tycoons face Hanergy-style crisis?

... s that go beyond reasonable expectation, or have exorbitantly high valuation. Goldin Financial is a typical example. The company stock hit a record HK$34.2 on May 15, equivalent to P/B ratio of nearly ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-22

Swiss architects unveil another facet of HK urban landscape

... . It goes beyond language to get along with one another down there. From what they have observed, people go about their own daily routine and chores, without bothering others. "It demonstrates the fre ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-22

Should you be an early stage investor?

... tment was beyond their expectations. Every single investment made takes significant time, both in terms of due diligence before the investment and, more importantly, support after the investment. To b ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-22

How Hong Kong can step up fight against money laundering

... ure. It’s beyond doubt that a lot more can be done within the estate agency business to crack down on money laundering using property transactions. With international financial activities getting more ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-21

Public rental flats: Why the queues will only get longer

... rices way beyond the reach of average citizens, and living in cramped spaces a stark reality in the city, there is a mad, open scramble for cheap public rental units here. Those who get allotted a pub ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-20

English-language news site HK Free Press to launch in June

... p will be beyond Hong Kong. We can’t just target the minority who read English here.” But Grundy said local professionals are also among HKFP's target readership. Apart from providing local news, HKFP ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-18

Oh boy! Hoping for daughter, US couple has 13th son

...  "blessed beyond belief". Jay Schwand and his wife Kateri now have boys aged from 22 to a just-born, giving the couple mini-celebrity status. The pround parents told ABC's Good Morning America that th ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-15

How rich companies are exploiting trade agreements

... s go well beyond trade, governing investment and intellectual property as well, imposing fundamental changes to countries’ legal, judicial and regulatory frameworks, without input or accountability th ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-14

First homegrown Chinese commercial jet to be delayed

... an impact beyond its home market, the report noted. – Contact us at [email protected] FL/RC   ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-14

Why this 'sorry' from the police is not enough

... arges was beyond the 48-hour legal limit, the police decided to charge him with manslaughter even though they had the suspect's alibi in hand. On Tuesday night, the Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, whi ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-13

Concern groups warn of airport runway cost blowout

... r delayed beyond 2017 and construction costs will exceed HK$90 billion. Translation by Vey Wong [Chinese version中文版] -- Contact us at [email protected] VW/JP/RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-13

Buyers beware: China stock names can be totally misleading

... e to look beyond a company's name, and also keep in mind that Chinese investors aren't likely to make such basic checks before picking their stocks. Bottom line: A new wave of traditional Chinese firm ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-12

What happens now to PLA marching bands and national rugby team?

... e and are beyond reproach," Geng said. The foreign ministry’s Hua added: "We urge the US to abandon its Cold War mindset, take off its colored glasses and have an objective and rational understanding ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-12

From Pakistan, an artist without borders

... s looking beyond the national borders. She wanted to find a kind of global language from within the Pakistani tradition which people from other places could also understand. As a result, she made a br ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-07

Why PLA troops shelved their visit to CUHK campus

... uldn't go beyond the defense of the city, as provided in the Basic Law. Article 14 states: "Military forces stationed by the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-07

HK firm helping to turn wearables into disappearables

... potential beyond listening to music -- it's an ideal site for measuring a variety of vital signs", Hunn wrote in a recent report. A parallel revolution in sensors is making this possible. Kow Ping, wh ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-30

Abe voices 'deep repentance' over World War II

... US forces beyond its waters. Abe has proposed reforms to Japan's pacifist post-war constitution to make this possible. Receiving a warm welcome reflecting Japan's status as America's staunchest Asian ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-30

頁數:1...113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 ...135

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