𤠣年新的一年第一天,香港就發生了街頭令人感到不安及擔憂的衝突暴亂,當面對挑戰時,我們如何自處?作為未來的領袖, ...全文
Tesla Motors Inc. is promising investors it will start making money this year and will no longer be burning cash. Chief executive Elon Musk told a conference call the company is determined to cut cost ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-11
科網業近年掀起人工智能(AI)競賽,Google將由AI業務主管接掌搜尋器業務,便可見AI是未來發展的關鍵。各 ...全文
Last week InvestHongKong held a public forum on entrepreneurship. Among the guest speakers was Elon Musk, the founder of PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX, who shared his views on the future of new technologie ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-05
美國風險資本家艾爾索普(Stewart Alsop)去年在網誌公開炮轟電動車生產商Tesla新產品介紹會差勁, ...全文
近期兩宗看似無關的電動車新聞,一起看對香港創科卻有些啟示。這邊廂,被問到中國製造的「香港品牌電動巴士」在元朗某 ...全文
Elon Musk本周訪港掀起熱話,很多人都知道電影《鐵甲奇俠》男主角是以他為藍本,也知道他先後創立了支付系統 ...全文
Elon Musk, founder of private spaceflight company Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), said on Tuesday that his firm aims to put humans on Mars by 2025. The billionaire entrepreneur, who is ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-27
近日恒指很波動,上周末大幅下挫,周一卻大升。有說全球嚴寒天氣令油價回升,亦救了本地零售業。轉勢嗎?昨日開市不久 ...全文
去年爆出香港投資推廣署於5月曾大讚Uber成功,但在警方8月高調拉人後,網頁卻離奇消失事件。事隔不足半年,本報 ...全文
被喻為「真實版Iron Man」的Tesla和SpaceX創辦人馬斯克(Elon Musk)旋風來港,昨早出席 ...全文
Tesla Motors Inc. chief executive Elon Musk hopes to have a factory in China to produce electric vehicles by the middle of this year. Musk told tech website Engadget the company is "doing reasonably w ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-26
美國電動車公司特斯拉(Tesla)創辦人兼行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)昨現身香港,他透露旗下電動SUV ...全文
現年45歲的Elon Musk毋庸置疑是我們這一輩的傳奇,從PayPal到SpaceX再到Tesla,關於他的 ...全文
Innovation is a common goal among startups, corporates and non-profit organizations. But our education system and work environments have trained us to pass tests, follow orders and respond to requests ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-21
真.Iron Man訪港!創業界的偶像級人馬、電動車公司Tesla行政總裁及太空科技公司SpaceX的創辦人E ...全文
電動車生產商Tesla行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)創辦的太空探索科技公司SpaceX上周五表示,將嘗試 ...全文