近日WhatsApp瘋傳幾段錄音聲帶,均指元朗區發生「南亞裔假難民搶劫案」,繪聲繪影形容有南亞裔人士四處搶劫, ...全文
... order on WhatsApp, a messaging app owned by Facebook Inc., in breach of the internal communication policies of the firm he then worked for, BTIG, noting that the company had no control over the recor ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-06
... 聚會,浪茄:「前幾天WhatsApp收到小學同學約我拍銀河,昨夜我為了準時,放棄了一個靚靚日落……到達後我設定 ...全文
... 年以220億美元收購WhatsApp,以後者只有1000萬美元收入而言,估值未免太高。SAP 2014年收購C ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年01月05日
... Viber and WhatsApp to organize the payments helps elude detection. “The ‘follow the money’ method doesn’t apply here,” said Andrea Di Nicola, a lecturer in criminology at the University of Trento. “Th ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-31
... colo,以通訊軟件WhatsApp討論及接收客戶的買賣指示,違反公司內部監控政策。證監會經調查後,決定吊銷M ...全文
... 但用戶量遠不如fb的WhatsApp和Messenger,以及騰訊(00700)的微信;而Luka.ai和Op ...全文
... acebook’s WhatsApp and Messenger and the WeChat service from Tencent Holdings Ltd. (00700.HK). WeChat is the most popular messaging app in China. Google, a unit of Alphabet Inc., plans to integrate ch ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-23
... 4年以190億元收購WhatsApp。它亦曾試圖以30億元收購Snapchat,但遭到對方拒絕。這一連串的收購 ...全文
A 15-year-old girl sent WhatsApp messages to her friends to say goodbye, then jumped to her death in Mong Kok. Responding to a citizen's report, police arrived at the scene on Tung Choi Street at arou ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-17
... o-face or WhatsApp conversations saying the TSA should be abolished. Chan said he only told the truth and that there are about 20 or 30 parents in his WhatsApp group, although he admitted not every o ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-01