
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 ...150

Ukraine war hijacks China-European Union summit

... alked for one hour with President Xi Jinping about Ukra ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年04月08日

Ukraine war hijacks China-European Union summit

... alked for one hour with President Xi Jinping about Ukraine. “The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not only a defining moment for our continent, but also for our relationship with the rest of the world,” ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-07

Fixing our failing food systems

... sible for one-third of global greenhouse-gas emissions. Even if every other sector were to reach net-zero emissions tomorrow, it would be impossible to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius with ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-07

The infrastructure of recovery

... ate. Some one billion people live more than a mile from an all-season road, 760 million lack access to electricity at home, and 450 million live beyond range of a broadband signal. Even where these se ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-07

Where will Carrie Lam be living after July?

... was sanctioned by the United States because of her involvement in the National Security Law, has no banking or credit card account, which made it difficult for her to secure a mortgage in Hong Kong if ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-06

Hong Kong’s future: Up to and beyond 2047

...  under a “one country, two systems” formula. What lay beyond 2047 was not spelled out. Now, China has made that future clear by moving the post-2047 scenario forward. Chinese President Xi Jinping is e ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-06

Help or hindrance?

Whether one likes it or not, there are different opinions about the direction in which Hong Kong is being driven. Though it may not have been to everyone’s liking, prior to Carrie Lam’s attempt to int ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-06

Why China won’t mediate an end to the Ukraine war

... eviously done in Grozny and Aleppo. The tragic upshot is that Ukraine’s heroic resistance has been accompanied by increasing civilian suffering. Is there any way to end this nightmare quickly? One pos ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-06


... 加坡便設有團隊基金(One Team Singapore Fund),為體育總會提供配對資助。近期信和集團旗下 ...全文


電動車股落鑊 理想伺機買入

... ;理想汽車旗下「理想ONE」交付1.1萬輛,漲1.25倍;蔚來則交付9985輛汽車,增長37.6%。 根據中國 ...全文


審計讓步科企彈 調控鬆綁內房飆

... 月交付1.1萬輛理想ONE,按年增長1.25倍,股價飆超過一成,至113.1元;蔚來(09866)3月交付99 ...全文



... ing two stones with one bird──回應有關推行疫苗通行證的問題。 2022年3月9日 ...全文


【異動股】造車新勢力公布交付數據 理想曾飆9%

... 公布3月份旗下「理想ONE」交付量為1萬1034輛,按年增加1.25倍;首季交付量3萬1716輛,按年升1.5 ...全文


Cabin hospital proves the construction efficiency of MiC

... s MiC is done unit by unit, two walls exist between adjacent units, diminishing the saleable area. Despite 6% additional floor area being granted by the Government to MiC projects since 2019, it may n ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

Can the world afford Russia-style sanctions on China?

... pact than one might think, at least over the medium to long term. This is true for both the United States and China, which are large and relatively diversified economies. So, while an economic rupture ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

Use of technology in dementia care

... onds, someone in the world develops dementia . Therefore, it is expected to surge to 150 million people by 2050. According to the Hospital Authority in 2017, the prevalence rates of dementia in Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

開市焦點:中概利好 黑期升兩百點 A股休市北水續停

... 公布3月份旗下「理想ONE」交付量為1萬1034輛,按年增加1.25倍;首季交付量3萬1716輛,按年升1.5 ...全文


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