香港食品投資(00060)今早復牌,裂口高開54.2%,報1.48元,成交暫有55.94萬元。 集團公布,出售 ...全文
香港食品投資(00060)公布,以2.5億元售出西貢康定路2號四洲食品網匯中心全幢予「舖王」鄧成波,預期將獲利 ...全文
資深投資者鄧成波新近向城規會申請,將西貢康定路1號的四洲集團大廈全幢改建,擬發展為私立學校校舍,現有建築物樓齡 ...全文
今年香港的錶壇盛事一浪接一浪,來到秋季也不例外。安帝古倫《名家收藏之現代及古董時計》拍賣會將於10月8日(星期 ...全文
It is disheartening to see the list of Grand Bauhinia winners this year who supposedly contributed the most to the well-being of this city. Many observers cried foul upon seeing the 12 recipients of t ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-03
Japanese snacks, anyone? They're free, but eat them at your own risk. Netizens recovered hundreds of boxes of Japanese snacks dumped outside a refuse collection point on Hung Cheung Road in Tuen Men o ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-06
... 新餐廳屬香港獨有,由四洲集團與品牌合作開設,店內由設計到擺設,無論吊燈、座位、餐具及員工制服都經精心配搭,一絲 ...全文
It's that time of year when politicians and tycoons come together to pledge their love of country and tell Beijing's top representative in Hong Kong they appreciate that China loves them back. The lat ...More
EJ Insight2015-02-05