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【短線出招】強勢股剛插 忌接落刀

恒指今日就係咁「跌升跌升跌升...」今日大部分就係咁好淡爭持,「弱勢股指數」升至73附近頗高水平,超賣下沽壓可 ...全文



環球央行開始諗辦法去救市,先有上星期五(3月13日)人民銀行宣布於周一(16日)定向降準0.5至1個百分點,釋 ...全文


Fed slashes rates in another emergency move

The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates to near zero on Sunday in another emergency move to help support the economy amid the fallout of the global coronavirus pandemic. Coordinating its action with ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-16


噚日見到歐洲三寶跌10%,於是喺9點半開時就開定隻睇美股嘅app,嗰一刻只係諗住「美股會跌到幾樣衰呢?」開市5 ...全文


Trudeau to be in isolation after wife contracts coronavirus

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be in isolation for two weeks after his wife, Sophie, tested positive for coronavirus, Reuters reports. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau recently returned from Londo ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

Coronavirus-hit Princess Cruises to suspend operations

Princess Cruises, the operator of two ocean liners that were quarantined after they became hotbeds for coronavirus infections, said it will suspend the voyages of all its 18 ships for two months, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

Philippine capital on lockdown to contain coronavirus

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced strict immigration curbs and a halt on domestic land, sea and air travel to and from Metro Manila, in what he called a “lockdown” of the national capital ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13


的確,噚日見到個市上半場升下又跌下咁,到下半場先開始見到有稍為明確下行方向;再加上點度都係近牛證街貨向下殺,開 ...全文


Putin approves changes allowing him to stay in power until 2036

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday opened the door to constitutional changes that would allow him to remain in power until 2036, Reuters reports. Putin, who in January unveiled a major shake- ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11

IKEA starts selling products on Alibaba's Tmall

IKEA on Tuesday started selling its products on Alibaba’s Chinese e-commerce platform Tmall, the first time the world’s biggest furniture retailer has sold through a third party in its 77-year history ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-10

Royal farewell: Harry and Meghan bow out from official roles

Britain’s top royals came together on Monday at Westminster Abbey in their last public family gathering before Prince Harry and his wife Meghan set off on a new career path devoid of official duties. ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-10

How BlockFi is growing its 'bitcoin lending' business

Investments in cryptocurrency have remained broadly depressed through a prolonged "crypto winter" after 2018. While a growing number of crypto ventures and startups struggle for funding and survival, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

【輪證贏家】Black Monday

由於油組(OPEC)同俄羅斯傾減產但談判破裂,沙特阿拉伯計劃喺下個月增加石油,量多自然價低架啦,「油市割價戰」 ...全文


Huge turnout, some violence at Latin America Women's Day marches

Hundreds of thousands of women across Latin America’s biggest cities flocked to the streets for International Women’s Day on Sunday, with anger over inequality, femicide and strict abortion controls b ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

Oil plunges 30% after Saudi Arabia slashes prices

Oil fell by the most since 1991 on Monday after Saudi Arabia started a price war with Russia by slashing its selling prices and pledging to unleash its pent-up supply onto a market reeling from fallin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

OCEAN MARINI 開放3房1套加儲物室示範單位

會德豐地產旗下將軍澳日出康城9C期OCEAN MARINI首批推出101伙,全為2房單位,實用面積472至61 ...影片


Dubai ruler abducted daughters, threatened former wife: UK court

A British judge has decided that Dubai’s ruler ordered the abduction of two daughters and orchestrated a campaign of intimidation against his former wife, Reuters reports. Judge Andrew McFarlane said ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

Four charter flights to evacuate 533 Hongkongers from Hubei

Hong Kong has arranged four charter flights to bring back 533 of its residents from central China's Hubei province, the center of the coronavirus outbreak, about a month after countries around the wor ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

【輪證贏家】殘爆滙控 牛證博結束11連跌

今朝起身令我「嘩!」咗一聲嘅並唔係肺炎新增染感人數,而係噚晚美股報復式反彈升近1300點;喺巴士上差啲對住個電 ...全文


Washington to cap number of Chinese state media employees in US

The United States said it is slashing the number of Chinese nationals permitted to work at the US offices of major Chinese state-owned media outlets to retaliate against Beijing’s “long-standing intim ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

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